Proton-6.19-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Changed DirectX fifasetup.ini settings in prefix (~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/1506830/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/FIFA 22/) from DIRECTX_SELECT = 0 to DIRECTX_SELECT = 1
Game crashed in Career mode using Experimental but it seems to work in GE (still crashes in post-game interview tho)
Works flawlessly out of the box with Experimental, the box showing driver error fixed itself after the latest update.
Just finished playing the whole thing and Proton never gave me a single problem, it completely outperformed Windows's latest Radeon driver which would show random black frames while playing. AMD users will just love this one.
VKD3D_CONFIG=nodxr %command%
Great experience overall with some stable 120fps, just needed some tinkering to get it working, as game would black screen and hang without launch options. Setting nodxr also makes the game sluggish in menu, locking it at 30fps, but still playable!
gamemoderun %command%
Just enable Steam Input and enjoy the game at whatever settings! Went for Proton-GE but it worked just as flawlessly with 9.0 or Experimental.