Proton-6.1-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Add WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" to launch options to fix
Cinematics only work with GloriousEggroll and it need to be version 6.1 or the game will not run or just run with a black screen.
Black screen in hybrid graphics
Switching to dedicated graphics makes the game work but unfortunately it causes issues with my desktop so it's not a great option. If you need hybrid graphics then wait for a fix.
It's fine for most systems but I get very heavy artifacting but it's probably Nvidia's fault.
A lot of the ground textures during battles seem to be missing or very blurry. There were similar issues with Far Cry with older nvidia drivers but I have this issue with 515 drivers but the same issue is not present on my Steam Deck so it's not a game issue. Not a major issue for most of the game since it's just battles but unfortunately the whole DLC area ground has the same issue which is way too bad.
RADV_PERFTEST=nosam %command%
Without RADV_PERFTEST=nosam performance is horrible and I got around 40 FPS in the wilderness and under 25 in the city. With it on the FPS was playable though not good.
For some reason the game crashes my whole system. Monitors turn off for a second and then return with the image frozen and only a forced reboot solves it. Happens more commonly on Wayland than X11.
It also runs horribly on Windows but the system crashes make this game quite unplayable.
Considering the lack of cinematics I would either use a virtualized Windows or stream from a Windows PC.
Glorious Eggroll 6.5-2
Cinematics are just black, only audio plays
Glorious Eggroll 6.5-2
For the videos to work it needs the K-Lite codec pack to be manually installed. I opened the installer in the protontricks explorer and navigated to the installed i previously downloaded and it installed fine. Previously I also tried installing every codec in protontricks but none of them worked.
Works on older Proton
Doesn't run on newer proton versions (Including glorious eggroll), the last one it runs on is 5.0-10. With anything newer it launched with integrated graphics and when forcing dedicated graphics it just crashes instantly. Even when switching from hybrid to dedicated graphics. But on the older version in runs perfectly fine. I get around 60 - 90 FPS with a Nvidia 2060 Max-Q.
Considering most reports are positive it may just be my hardware or Pop OS but it's totally unplayable for me.
Constant stuttering with DirectX11 and Vulkan only produces a black screen, even the intro won't play with that.
Freezes when switching to Vulkan and screen turn black with no audio. DirectX11 is unplayable due to stuttering.
6.15-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Uses a lot of vram (4.5GB) for some reason
Since the Drezen battle can't be accessed with Linux it's not possible to complete the game without booting to Windows instead.
6.15-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Unable to progress to the Drezen battle, loading freezes at 88% consistently. Going to that area in Windows works but loading any save with Linux in that area fails the same way.
Doesn't work even with the fix suggested
Upon launching the game will complain about the graphics card not being compatible with DirectX11. It will generate the cfg file but when changing the api field value it will just give the same error and change the api value back.
The main menu is usable but unfortunately the inventory and skill menu are not due to the missing background making it unplayable.
Main menu, skill menu and inventory all all white because it's background is missing. Skill menu example: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2884307194
Proton-6.5-GE-2 https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom
Had to install dotnet40 and xna40 with protontricks otherwise it would lag horribly when hovering over items in-game. Saving is also considerably slower than on WIndows so sometimes I turned on autosaves when moving though several areas.