Tried multiple steam launch options, also used different proton versions and glorious eggs.
PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 PROTON_NO_D3D10=1 %command%
Plays great with steam launch command. PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 PROTON_NO_D3D10=1 %command%
Movie cutscenes has very low echo audio for voices
Plays great other than the low audio for voice's during movie cutscenes
MANGOHUD=1 MANGOHUD_CONFIG=vsync=0 gamemoderun %command% -d3d11
voice audio during cutscene very low and echoes
Game plays great on high settings with AMD fury x gpu locked at 60fps using steam launch commands. Also nexus mods help disable the dynamic resolution scaling.
This game plays great on Linux! Play with previous proton version 6.3-8
This is how I had to install the "" to get the game to run and not crash. Aftrer downloading the you will need to extract the zip. Just right click and select extract on the file. I had to find the location of the game installation. In the file manager search 582010 to find it. Then just open the terminal and just follow what I did, just make sure you put the correct location for the game installation in the last command.
aj@pop-os:$ cd Downloads
aj@pop-os:/Downloads$ cd mf-install-master
aj@pop-os:~/Downloads/mf-install-master$ WINEPREFIX="/home/aj/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/compatdata/582010/pfx" ./
Hope this helps some. Enjoy!
gamemoderun %command%
The game had to be launched 4 time before ubisoft software would update
gamemoderun %command%
The launcher loads and downloads all the updates, but hangs once it loads on a black screen