Medium recommendation under Proton: Quite the hassle to get running, may need multiple attempts to skip opening video
5.9-GE-3-ST GloriousEggroll
d3dx9_43, mfplat, wmp, xaudio2_9
No sound under normal circumstances. When you disable the opening video via the config file, sound is still missing. If you manually skip the opening video, sound works.
Controller was not detected when using the Glorious Eggroll custom Proton version, but this was the only version I got the sound to work in. A workaround is to map your controller to your keyboard.
Not skipping the opening video will cause the game to hang on a black screen. Skipping the opening video via the config file results in no audio within the game.
Medium recommendation under Proton: Quite the hassle to get running, may need multiple attempts to skip opening video; semi-frequent crashes
5.9-GE-3-ST GloriousEggroll
No sound under normal circumstances. When you disable the opening video via the config file, sound is still missing. If you manually skip the opening video, sound works.
Controller was not detected when using the Glorious Eggroll custom Proton version, but this was the only version I got the sound to work in. A workaround is to map your controller to your keyboard.
Every once in a while, the game crashes for no apparent reason. This usually happens in cutscenes, but it has happened in the hub world once as well.
Not skipping the opening video will cause the game to hang on a black screen. Skipping the opening video via the config file results in no audio within the game.
On first start, controller was not initially recognized, but after messing around in the options, it was suddenly recognized. Might be unrelated.
Online may not work when using a Proton version before 4.11-11. Make sure to update to the latest version.
Works perfectly. At first there was sound crackling for me, but that can be fixed by using ALSA as sound device (e.g. via ProtonTricks)
Game starts, but stays at a black screen. Common workarounds (disabling/ using Wine d3d11) does not work.
Controller was not recognized. Sound crackles, but restarting may help (forcing audio to Stereo may also help). Otherwise runs fine