Single player is an absolute blast and even local co-op was a lot of fun despite it having weirdness with how it handles controllers.
It ran perfectly, the only issue we had is the Steam Decks controller is a player and we couldn't find a way to prevent that. Not a Linux issue just a weird thing with the game forcing all connected controllers to be a player.
Works perfectly fine. Can't test multiplayer since no one is playing this game in this day and age.
Played with a controller never had issues, it is weird about full screen but from the looks of it that has nothing to do with Linux.
Launched in Desktop Mode first and changed to full-screen, otherwise it would not launch.
Requires an initial launch in Desktop Mode to work in gaming mode. However sound does not function in gaming mode, and 1280x by 800x resolution can't be selected.
The game runs perfectly out the box without any graphical or performance issues. May have trouble detecting controllers.
DualShock 4 controller wasn't detected
The game crashed once when loading a track during the story mode

Will crash at the middle and end of campaign mode. Does not affect playability.
Sometimes controllers aren't detected. Reconnecting them normally fixes the issue.
The credits cutscene that plays in the middle and at the end of the campaign mode freezes the game, requiring a force kill. Progress saves just before, and rejoining the campaign if it was the middle crash will continue from just after the cutscene. The cutscene just contains credits and nothing important for the story or gameplay.
Older versions of the game may prevent unlocking certain characters and courses when playing via Proton. This has been fixed in updates.
On first start, controller was not initially recognized, but after messing around in the options, it was suddenly recognized. Might be unrelated.
Online may not work when using a Proton version before 4.11-11. Make sure to update to the latest version.
It boots a loading screen, but when it finishes the game closes and that's it

Gold. The game works well, just the ending cinematic of the story mode doesn't play, and is required for some characters.
Could not change my input keys with the menu function(used a keyboard)
The cinematic at the end of the story mode does not play and freezes the game, giving only a forcequit as an option. And playing this mode two times is required to unlock all the characters. Would appreciate a more experienced Linux user to find a tweak to solve this cinematic issue.
If someone finds a tweak or something to solve this cinematic issue(at the end of the short story mode, took me 1h to complete), that would make the game go from gold to platinum easily. Since not being able to play this cinematic makes it impossible to unlock some of the playable characters. I think this could be easily fixed by someone experienced, and make this game platinum quickly.