It WILL stutter heavily the first couple of runs, then its smooth
First couple of times loading a map it stutters BADLY until a shader cache is built. Then it runs smooth
Works the same as in windows
So. Until a shader cache is built, the experience is painful. After that, you'll forget you're on linux
It keeps complaining about not being able to install .Net Framework 3.5. But the game starts. Default mouse sensitivity is crazy.
Works out of the box
Is an emulator (Blast'em). Only "bug" I found: If you reset emulator settings via its menu button, you'll loose the overlay bezel until you restart the game
Works fine after using wine d3d11 but it will randomly crash for no apparent reason
Needs custom launch options, otherwise it will quit after the launcher closes when you hit Play!
cd "${STEAM_COMPAT_INSTALL_PATH}/launcher"; %command%
IKD if it is my hardware or not, but game is kinda unplayable. tried the demo on windows and it ran flawlessly on the same machine
game runs fine for 30 or so seconds, after that I get single digit fps
Performance is awful
Framerate often dips below 20fps on settings that never ran lower than 50fps on windows. Even the main menu drops FPS like crazy
Switched different proton versions
Steam input not recognized. Controllers other than xbox don't work (tested: xbox360, dualshock 3, dualshock 4 and a generic dinput controller)