Steam Overlay don't work, in game folder rename start_protected_game.exe to start_protected_game.exe.old and copy paste eldenring.exe and rename the copy at start_protected_game.exe
Steam Overlay is active, but the mulpiplayer don't work with this solution
Sometimes when I quite the game, and relaunch it, it's not running, must restart the computer
Sometimes the game stutter for 2-3 secs and back to normal
Sometimes the game don't launch after i cliked on "play" on steam, I have the first panel "initialisation" and after nothing, i must restart the computer and back to normal. I think it come from the Anticheat
The Anticheat is a little problem, you can play online, but you will not have the overlay Steam, to have the overlay, rename start_protected_game.exe to start_protected_game.old, and copy / paste eldenring.exe to start_protected_game.exe, you will have the overlay Steam but you will can't play in multiplayer anymore. The choice is yours !
Work very well (only test with Combat Evolved edition) but i can't unlock the achievements, that the only bug I found
freeze with widescreen
shift don't work
Sometimes when you reload a save after you lose, the game freeze
Work globally well with low setting with a 1070 (30-35fps), but sometimes the FPS drop to 10-15 fps
crash often
always in the taskbar when started, and you must always clic (2 times or more) to see the screen (if he's not crash before)
always crash when the 4th mission of the campaign start
sometimes, the saves, didn't work, i have the message "corrupt backups", maybe a problem with the could
sometimes the fps drop for 1-2 seconds, but back normally , or when i kill a enemy the game freeze for 1 second (solved by run the game in DirectX 11 mode)
on launch usually starts flashing black screen (to solve this, wait a few sec, then minimize all windows and then click on Sekiro window.
rarely little slow down for 1-2 seconds
crash when loading game
I tried in windowed mode, and full screen, all settings in low, but always when I want start a game, the loading screen is here, but no loading (i waited 10-15 min) but nothing, i must kill the process because ALT-TAB don't work.
need taskset -ca 0 %command% in the launch setting and proton 5.0, I tried with proton 5.13, but I had always a crash when i loaded a game. I tried in medium and high setting with 35-40 fps, not really good with a 1070, but that work. the multiplayer work, I didn't have any problems, just think to open 21000/tcp, 23000:24000/tcp and 23000:24000/udp. I had only one crash it's when I started the game with the logo of Eugen Systems, but no problems when i restarted the game
Before Proton 5, you must kill the process to exit the game, but with proton 5.0.6, the game exit normally
sometimes the sound sizzles little bit, but it's not very disturbing