Works after increasing the file descriptor limit. Before the tweak, it crashed very often.
There is no proper fullscreen. It either stretches the aspect ratio to fill horizontally, or it has the proper aspect ratio but in a window the resolution of the desktop. This window can not be undecorated, and as such it is slightly too large, preventing to see the health bar at the bottom of the screen, it spills out of the monitor. Playing in windowed is fine but the game resolution is quite small, even with the x5 scaling.
To get proper fullscreen: first set fullscreen in the game options. This will resize the window to the desktop resolution, but the window will still be decorated. Then use your window manager fullscreen keyboard shortcut to get proper fullscreen. If you don't do it in this order, the image will be stretched instead of having the proper aspect ratio.
To get controller working: first set dpad only in the game options. Then activate the controller. Otherwise, there is a permanent "up" input. Note that this does not let you play with the dpad, but only with the stick (hence silver rating instead of gold). This is with an Xbox One controller.
I've beaten the game, it ran out of the box. I didn't see my mouse cursor in the Steam overlay, but the game itself worked perfectly.
I have to launch the game with controllers unplugged, and then plug them at runtime, in order to avoid a bug. The character selection screen is slow. Other than these two issues, it works well. No issue at all during gameplay, even in online.