So I've tried running 3.7-8, 3.7-8 Beta, 4.2-3. Nothing. Game starts and then immediately says it crashed and sent report.
So it works fine after I installed ubuntu-xboxdrv from this: ppa:rael-gc/ubuntu-xboxdrv
Excellent spin on "Extraction PVP" gamemode. Something fresh and new with it's fantasy setting.
Crashed one time after initial install and first match joined. Never crashed for me personally after that, played match after match for 5 hours straight.
No issues at all, no lag or frameskips, audio was great and everything functioned as expected.
So as the previous user had described. I downloaded the TKG-MWO runner from lutris and set up that .desktop file. Everything ran pretty good on DX11 but I'd recommend turning it to DX9 in game. I was able to go to max settings on DX9 with a solid 60FPS with minor hiccups here and there. Otherwise, this runs great!
Nothing I had to do to get it working. Runs great by just downloading and running. Very happy this works because this game is amazing!
Played several hours before the update on May 10th 2019. Where the game developer added EAC. Now the game WILL NOT run. Sad to see this happen, but yet another game is now unplayable due to EAC.
I'm thinking this may be fixed in the future with it's own patch but it's really beyond my knowledge. But it's only a week old.
gamemoderun %command%
Some exterior cells have missing textures altogether.
Can't save a plugin I created.
Sometimes I'd experience crashes after 10-15 minutes.
General slowness sometimes on the windows within the editor. They will say they're not responding.
This runs perfectly out of the box! All I did was install and hit play, configured the video settings accordingly and hopped into a game with a friend. The only issue I had was about 3 hours in, the game froze me in a multiplayer game and I had to kill -9 the process. I started back up and was good to go. Game runs fine and I didn't notice any frame dips. All in all great experience and I look forward to putting in many more hours.
So this doesn't effect functionality at all, but when you hold "right-click" to move your camera, the mouse pointer snaps to the middle of the screen and vibrates when you turn the camera. The camera still functions as normal, you will just notice the cursor when it would normally hide it.
I had to run an older version of proton to get it to start, otherwise after installation and patching of the game client, it would open a window and just freeze.
Game is from 2006, the server hardware is dated (for now). Completely playable through Proton, the lag is mainly server side/old engine.
So it actually installs. It claims that it's missing a file but then when you hit play it works perfectly. Configure graphics, load up a level and start cleanin some shit. Love that it's working now!
Installs fine. Claims it's missing a file but ignore that. Runs perfectly. Configure your graphics and get cleaning!
Installs, claims to be missing a file, ignore it because it'll start up just fine! Configure graphics and load in and clean up all the dead elves.
Installs fine. Claims it's missing a file but ignore that. Runs perfectly. Configure your graphics and clean up some wangs.
As everyone said here. The xboxdrv fix and the sound fix has to be applied. Other than that it runs really well.