Proton_6.3-8 Alien Isolation is "OutOfBox!" This game intuitively looks and feels superior to M$ and Linux.
Installed nVidia as per the official nVidia readme and Arch nVidia wiki. Tweaked system via X - Grok recommendations for Kubu 24.10. System in performance mode. Alien Isolation plays perfectly.
Flawless. nVidia GTX 1050 2G. vRAM. As good as Windows or better. M$-Winter is Coming. I'm stunned by the performance actually. Asole Linuxer for 6 years. To quote The Matrix "Whoa". I install OS and nVidia onto Metal very differently though.
Platinum "OutOfBox" PROTON 6.3-8_101221_no launch options
I've request whitelisting by Valve for this game. Its perfectlty stable and playable. Snappy Butter on Ultra-Settings in GTX1050 2GvRam https://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/495.44/README/index.html https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/NVIDIA https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/
Intially wouldnt launch.I deleted /SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/49520/.I quit and restarted without issue multiple times.
Should be Platinum WhiteListed "OutOfBox" very soon.
Borderlands GOTY Edition is Platinum. It should be whitelisted. It looks and plays better than the native linux port by far
No Proton launch options used. no tweaks used Press [ PLAY ]
I could tell if the music was supposed to be all distortyed indrtial trap or if its an audio issue...
Proton Experitmental-Bleeding Edge w? Soldier-Beta.I used no proton options. Full report w/ logs @username.murphy. https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/4450. nVidia installed as per.
- https://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/495.44/README/index.html
- https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/NVIDIA
Default locations may vary from Distro to Distro but ther configing is eactly the same.
Fix Error = [ CyberPunk has Flatlined ] by deleting the Cyberpunk /SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/1091500/ folder
Operating System: Ubuntu 24.04 KDE Plasma Version: 5.27.11 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.115.0 Qt Version: 5.15.13 Kernel Version: 6.8.0-45-lowlatency (64-bit) Graphics Platform: X11
Processors: 8 × Intel® Core™ i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz Memory: 19.5 GiB of RAM Graphics Processor: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050/PCIe/SSE2 Driver: nVidia 560 (PPA) X11 Manufacturer: Acer Product Name: Aspire M3970
Plays PLATINUM out of the box without launch options. I couldnt tell if the launch options actually made a difference. Flawless gameplay with my very low end system. I have zswap enabled and spinlock disabled. In game graphics settings were on [ High ] awesome!
solved. steam linux. gta v unable to locate the rockstar game launcher?
This game works out of box and only getting better however I recently had the issue of the GTA V launcher not being found. I see lots of people with this issue and blaming PROTON but no solutions provided. What I do to resolve this error is delete this folder [ /steamapps/compatdata/271590/ ] then click PLAY on GTA V. Steam will reinstall launcher and social club. Happy days!
IS PROTON 5.13-4 NOT WORKING FOR YOU? (for most or all games) # Then update Linux Runtime Soldier to Beta. The patch is in there. A python script was stalling. In STEAM search Linux Runtime Soldier then click "properties" then "update" to BETA. You should be using the latest Stean Cliet Beta and Beta nVidia Driver aswell. 455. I read the Linux Runtime Soldier Version is currently behind the Proton version because of the rush for CyberPunk compatibility.
If the GTA Social club is launching.. solved. steam linux. gta v unable to locate the rockstar game launcher?
I see lots of people with this issue and blaming PROTON but no solutions provided. What I do to resolve this error is delete this folder [ /steamapps/compatdata/271590/ ] then click PLAY on GTA V. Steam will reinstall launcher and social club. Happy days!
GTA V is now OutOfTheBox Platinum. Using Steam Proton Experimental, Linux Runtime Soldier Beta and Kernel 5.10. The issue of " no direct x device or runtime found" using nVidia is resolved. All settings options are available and framerate is also up. It looks and runs so much better. GoodTimes!
The error "No Directx runtime or device found" when trying to access advanced graphics settings is still happening. It came back after reboot and I havent been able to clear it again. If you have a work around please post to github proton
KUBU_24.0.4.1 w/ nVidia 560 running on X11 (PPA ). GTA V - Online, has never run better. No launch options used. No issues. Validate game files and Battleye files to trigger the updates. nVidia Driver config'd as per nVidia readme, Arch Wiki nVidia, Debian Wiki, Gentoo Wiki. The updates are very small. Is GTA V going platinum?
This report is for HELLBLADE:Senua's Sacrifice. ProtonDB doesnt recognise the Sream AppID if the VR version is also installed. The Game play's flawlessly on the highest settings without any proton tinkering. I'm sure there would be some performance gains to be made with some tinkering. Works perfect.
Did not try without launch options. Worked without any issue and performed flawlessly. There was about a 30 - 45 sec black loading screen with audio after selecting one game from the 3 available games.
Plays flawlessly once you get it up and running. Zero crashes or lag. For the first run you may need to start the game in safe mode. Then change the video quality settings to ULTRA and change the resolution to 1920x1080. Changing the settings for resolution takes awhile the first time. Save and exit out of the game. Now start the game normally and your good to go!
except for freezing
frequent freezing
kDE-Plasma w/ kwin, baloo,krunner and web word search off. nVidia Full Composition [ON] . Rocket League works GREAT! The free play day servers being down has NOTHING to do with Proton. My only issue is Rocket league freezes/crashes every second or third game. Can some please explain how to type the exact launch option on "-dx11" ??? is that with [ "-dx11] or without [ -dx11] or as [ -dx11 %command%] ??? please WTactualF. your help is appreciated greatly
Works flawlessly with [ "-dx11" ] in Launch options. Dont include the brackets just the inverted coma's. Max 216fps with my rig.
kDE-Plasma w/ kwin, baloo,krunner and web word search off. nVidia Full Composition [ON] . Rocket League works GREAT! The free play day servers being down has NOTHING to do with Proton. Works flawlessly with [ "-dx11" ] in Launch options. Dont include the brackets just the inverted coma's. Max 216fps with my rig. So very stoked!!! LINUX!!!
add [ %command% -dx11 ] to launch options. Do not include the brackets.
disregard my previous posts on Rocket League.
Add [ %command% -dx11 ] to launch options for Rocket League. without the brackets.
I get max 246fps. Just played 6 games without freezing. I did notice previously when Rocket League froze LibreOffice crashed in the logs. Libreoffice wasnt opened. Maybe a coincidence??? everytime. Works as advertised (sofar) with the above launch option set.
If new to Linux. Rocket League / properties / forces proton compatibilty tool. Proton 5-0.9. Steam will download Windows version of game.
Using kDE-Plasma I have had frequent freezes on all kDE-Distro's . The culprit is kDE-Powerdevil. Its a known issue( apparently). I deleted powerdevil and havent had a single freeze in days. Rocket League is the only game Ive had this issue with. If experiencing same issues check log. Runs as expected out of box.(now) no launch option commands needed. 230ishfps
There was a known issue with kDE Plasma 5.19.5 on all main Distros , Manjaro was best.. Neon and Kubuntu sucked, that Steam Devs are aware of but kDE Devs are not... apparently???. However after extensive testing it appears the "Freeze after 2 or 3 games issue is gone in Plasma 5.20. It was never the -dx11 command issue. Protondb/Steam has identified my DE as 5.19 but it is 5.20. Upgraded kDE-Neon 20.04 by enabling the secret QA repository [ sudo apt-add-repository http://archive.neon.kde.org/release && wget -q -O - http://archive.neon.kde.org/public.key | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade && sudo apt install --reinstall --install-recommends plasma-desktop sddm dolphin ]. .. Wait for the official upgrade due within hours.My way is far from ideal. note: kDE Plasma on POP_OS is awesome! I was getting 230fps with my old set up now back down to 60fps but havent overclocked nVidia Card yet. It was on fire last time. no need to add any prelaunch options works out of box. Just got to get those fps a bit higher which isnt a kDE/Proton issue...ish. kDE Plasma 5.20 on POP_OS looked best despite Steam performance graph.
IS PROTON 5.13-4 NOT WORKING FOR YOU? (for most or all games) # Then update Linux Runtime Soldier to Beta. The patch is in there. A python script was stalling. In STEAM search Linux Runtime Soldier then click "properties" then "update" to BETA. You should be using the latest Stean Cliet Beta and Beta nVidia Driver aswell. 455. I read the Linux Runtime Soldier Version is currently behind the Proton version because of the rush for CyberPunk compatibility.
Use Steam Proton Experimental it has on the fly fixes for Cyberpunk but also greatly improves other games like GTA V. Use Linux Runtime Soldier Beta it fixes the Python stalling issue plus other fixes. Its a version behind proton because of the rush for Cyberpunk release. Use nVidia 455 and kernel 5.10. Its amazing! finally great gaming on linux. This config is currently ultra stable!
This config is great for Rocket League! extra 20fps plus higher quality. This game should be platinum
ShaderCache would constantly redownload all 8.5Gb at least twice a week.
This was....reSOLVED:
By adding:
to :
sudo nano /etc/environment
then I deleted my user [ .nvidia-settings-rc ]
After this I recreated my [ .nvidia-settings-rc ] by opening nvidia-settings as root.
Then in nvidia-settings applications profiles (as root) one of the variables I enabled was:
[GLSHADERDISKCACHE ] which I set to [ true ]
I updated initramfs and rebooted. Rocket League again downloaded the entire 8.5Gb cache.
After this everything has been great. Working as expected.
Sidenote: I configured my KUBU 24.10 for performance following the recommendations from X's GROK. (The following made a huge difference to online gaming.)
With Rocket League and streaming in general I have noticed the following networking parameters have made a big difference. ( may not be right for you but works for me)
Optimize Network Buffers:
Improves online gaming performance:
echo 'net.core.rmem_max=16777216' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf &&
echo 'net.core.wmem_max=16777216' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf &&
sudo sysctl -p
Hav Fun!