Sweet Nougat
When in fullscreen, the resolution of the window takes the shape of windowed mode for a second, then goes back to normal, this repeats over and over
runs at a solid 60fps except for fringe cases like zooming in and out, so far I'm having a lot of fun!
Zooming in and out caused studders, wouldn't be surprised if this was just a game problem
Pirilika best girl
A mix of Proton issues and severe optimization issues makes this game unplayable to anyone but ones with the beefiest of rigs.
Proton-7.0rc2-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Multiple graphical glitches were present, with things popping in and out at times.
Game was unplayable unless set to lowest settings and 720p resolution, while my PC isn't amazing, I expected a bit more.
Game will often freeze, hang, or crash during loading scenes
Was most playable with the options: WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=1 %command% -dx11
/home/ember/Applications/DiscordRPC/winediscordipcbridge-steam.sh gamemoderun %command%
Alt-Tabbing out of fullscreen causes a black screen, fixed with Bordered or Borderless
Other then the fullscreen bug, this game runs perfectly, just be sure to run in Windowed or Borderless and you will be good!
The only launch option was to initilize Discord sync
7.0rc2-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Tab and Esc menu run at around 2fps, moving the cursor is hard to do when in these menus, if this bug is fixed, the game will probably be a platinum tier in my book.
The game ran great out of the box, it auto sets everything to low so go into the settings to set your resolution and settings to max.
Missing textures on water when anti-aliasing is enabled, disable to fix
Was unable to set my resolution to native 2560x1600, played at 1440x900. A sliver of the screen was also showing the desktop
I would recommend many play this game, I had to buy it using a key website as the game was delisted on steam, and I do not regret! Other then what I listed above, this game runs amazingly and has very few issues, none of which affect the game in any meaninful way.
Proton-7.0rc2-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
only issue I could find was a bar being slightly hidden by a photo, could have been a game issue Coomers its time to rise up and coom to this game!