It runs flawless if you use the aforementioned tweaks but ... crashes if you choose to use a Xbox 360 controller, a widespread and pretty common controller.
I experienced no bugs so far. It runs out of the box. The performance is about the same as on Windows 10, since it runs on Ultra settings by default.
Originally I used GE-Proton8-11 under compatibility settings with horrible single digit framerate and choppiness. The switch to the ancient Proton 5.13.6 made the difference.
The performance is decent and if you don't run the latest release of Proton, you won't experience the game crashing.
I switched from the newest Proton release 5.0-1 to 3.16-9 to get the game to running and in the Pulseaudio control panel from analog 2.1 surround to analog output in order to get the audio working.
I experienced no stutter, lag, audio glitches or rumble issues ( Xbox 360) controller so far.
Occasionally, the game freezes and a fatal error of the Unreal Engine 4 pops up and crashes the game, then some files fail to validate which results either in an 16.8 GB download or a 5.4 GB download. This has no impact on the save game because save data is synced to the cloud.
It is enjoyable except for the random crashes.
Since my upgrade to Kubuntu 20.04 it runs fine with Proton Experimental but ... the game either randonmly crashes or crashes with "Unknown Error FFFFFFFF." The crashes make the game less enjoyable because they occure at the worst possible moments, e. g. before finishing a quest or delivering animal parts.
I used Protontricks to start regedit and create the key Direct3D in HKCU\Software\Wine\ with the dummy Dword value csmt as mentioned.
Texture flickering of menu elements.