You probably won't be doing much painting or emblem drawing without extreme patience, but otherwise the game seems mostly playable.
Menus of the garage that render an AC slow down to single-digit FPS. This includes the parts shop, assembly, and paint. Playing for a long time might cause the framerate to drop - by the time I got to the strider mission, the framerate was unbearably low. Restarting the game fixed this. Neither of these issues seem to be affected by the graphics settings.
Crashes on startup with Proton, GE is required.
No issues you don't also find on Windows
Sometimes the mouse can escape the window, focus another window and then focus Content Warning again to fix this.
The game has many issues, but zero are caused by Proton it seems. Sometimes audio cuts out, sometimes joining a game will be broken and require a restart, footage will rarely fail to extract (meaning you can't view it), and very rarely the game may drop to single-digit framerates with heavy input delay for no obvious reason. All of these are equally reproducible on Windows.
Add 'RADV_PERFTEST=aco' to launch arguments. Leaving this out or using 'RADV_PERFTEST=llvm' causes the game to OOM while compiling shaders.
Menu background is sometimes black. Gallery had some lighting issues where the floor turned red. Chapter four 'New Home' had frequent bright flashes on screen. This was the only chapter I tried.
Slight slowdowns compared to identical settings in Windows
Works fine.
The system requirements are wrong. My GPU struggles to run this game with upscaling disabled, even at the lowest settings. I usually get 60 FPS, except at settlements and especially stations where it can be as low as 20 FPS. Also, the GPU output often drops frames even as it's rendering 60 FPS. And input sometimes feels unresponsive when this happens. So maybe the minimum required GPU should be listed as an RX 580?
Major slowdowns in some specific areas but usually runs fine
The game will almost always run full speed, but some areas, like the rooftop or cellar, or strangely, conversations involving Cynthia, will cause the game to fall as low as 7 FPS. It's uncommon enough that I could deal with it, but it's pretty annoying.
I have only completed two chapters so far, and I don't know if there are issues further in the game.
Does not connect online, believes there is no internet connection. The game has no CPU AI, so restricted to local multiplayer only.
Voice chat is broken - when pressing the button to mute voice chat, it will not pick up audio input after unmuting. The solution is to switch back to open mic, then switch the recording monitor in pavucontrol away from and then back to your audio input.
At the game's launch, Overwatch had issues with shader cache not being reused, so it would compile shaders from scratch each time it launched, which could take several minutes. I haven't had the issue, but I also haven't tried regular Proton or without these launch arguments since switching to find out if the issue still exists. Overall though, it runs better than it does in Windows on my specific hardware. There, the AMD driver would crash frequently while playing the game.
The framerate would occasionally drop lower than normal, though this only happened in certain areas (like wide shots) or in loading areas, so it wasn't a big problem.
After a long enough single session (30 minutes or more) the game would drop to as low as half its normal framerate, requiring a restart to fix, though I managed to curb this issue by reducing the graphics quality further. Also, pausing the game at any time (or visiting the options in the main menu) would cause the framerate to plummet to 5-10 FPS for the remainder of that session, also requiring a restart to fix. These problems were pretty annoying when I wasn't near a checkpoint.
Prerendered cutscenes would lag slightly, causing the video and audio to desync. Over the course of a minute-long cutscene, it could desync by several seconds. Also, achievements don't work.
winetricks d3dcompiler_47
Stutter and short pauses
Xbox Live sign-in required on each launch of game. Heartland and Daybreak are playable. Attempting to use multiplayer features (Host game, Find game, Volunteer) crashes game (Checking account privileges).