Nothing - absolutely nothing
Steam claims the game is updating, but never finishes (left for >2hours). Game gets stuck on "launching" with nothing appearing. Tried to launch 20+ times now and nothing.
Ubisoft launcher poses some issues
Glitches on returning from alt tab (on wayland)
Very short testing time, but it crashed on me twice, but only when launching the game. I blame the ubisoft launcher.
- launch - ubisoft launcher updates, then crashed (dll error)
- launch - Managed to log in, but could not launch game
- launch - managed to launch game and enter menu + gameplay
Works well. Game is getting old and can act weirdly on both Win and Linux, so there will be bugs. Completed story +++ on Linux w.o. issues
Note: I don't care about GTA Online, so I have no comments about it. This is purely a comment on the singleplayer aspect.
Nothing, unfortunately
Tried with a couple of different proton versions, including latest GE. Game starts launching, then stops. Couldn't really see anything useful in the logs either.
Had to update to latest AMD drivers before it would work correctly. Now works without any issues (moreso than the game itself has)
works 100%
Zero issues. Here's hoping that I don't get kicked for daring to play online on linux, but thus far 100% OK
Plays well. Installed easily. Some small bugs, but after playing the game on windows on the same machine I noticed the same issues.
Turn off/disable virtual network interfaces when playing. They seem to interfere with the multiplayer - not quite sure why.
Honestly, not a bad experience. I get roughly the same or better performance than what I get on windows. (Note: high minimum requirements)
Too many crashes for most people to enjoy. Needs some more work to be stable enough.
Crashes when loading quicksaves, certain levels (although occasionally the levels load anyway.) Only started happening after upgrading to a 3060ti (from a 970)
Not sure if it got more stable, or if it is due to AMD instead of nvidia, but no more crashes for me. I recommend it.
Wayland + ultrawide made main menu not work. Not a big issue when resolution is set properly
Follow Der Musterknabe's advice. In addition, I couldn't get DirectX to install properly. I just killed and relaunched Steam after it had been on step 3/3 for while, and it worked.
Small niggles due to mouse input issue (eg. dragging soldiers into the units slots.) But you can just right click instead
Mouse input is a bit wonky, only seems to update position on click - might be due to wayland, but not sure. Causes all "drag" interactions to not work
Played on ultrawide, worked nicely.
Just works. Never dipped below 60, all of the side activities I've done so far haven't hitched. Controller works perfectly.
Game selects wrong audio device on start; fixed by using qjackctl
Game selects wrong audio device on native build; fix by selecting correct device with something like qjackctl