To fix .wmv video playback and game launch issues, install codecs: LAVFilters and ffdshow into the pfx.
WINEPREFIX="~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/586140/pfx/" wine "~/Downloads/LAVFilters-0.74.1-Installer.exe"
WINEPREFIX="~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/586140/pfx/" winetricks ffdshow
- Enable Windows Media Player support and pair together with libavcodec. Set all ffdshow system tray icons to "none".
MSAA + Full {screen, window} will result in "black screen" graphic bug. To avoid this turn off MSAA right away. Else navigate menus in the dark with J/O: 6:options > 3:display options > 4:anti-aliasing > left 1 or 2 > O to finalize.
To fix inaudible sound effects, install xact.
WINEPREFIX="/home/user/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/571530/pfx/" winetricks xact
- Full {screen, window} mode ignores resolution setting and uses current desktop resolution instead. Example: 1920x1080 desktop > 1920x1080 fullscreen.
- Window mode resolution is limited to less than equal. Example: 1920x1080 desktop > 1600x900 window.
Install amstream quartz xvid to 251290 pfx. Then run winecfg, and add winegstreamer and set to disable. These steps enables video playback for seamless viewing.
- When starting a new game it may take 15-30 seconds to find previous game's clear save data for import.
- Opening cinematic has frame drop at the start yet recovers with video still in sync.
To make all videos playable and at full speed. Run command in terminal:
WINEPREFIX="(Steam-folder)/steamapps/compatdata/436670/pfx/" winetricks lavfilters amstream quartz
The logo and opening .avi videos may take a few extra seconds to load. If using the above winetricks commands with proton-5.0-10. Very minor and should not detract much from the experience.
I played the game from start to finish. QED.
To fix video playback, install codecs into pfx: cinepak directshow with winetricks, LAVFilters with wine.
Tested with HQ texture settings. Shadow resolution when set to 'ultra' may greatly impact performance.
To enable video playback install lavfilters then directshow. The order seems to matter.
WINEPREFIX="/path/to/587110/pfx" winetricks lavfilters directshow
Turning off mipmapping from the launcher resolves the issue.