Change to proton version 4.11-13. Run game once to create wineprefix. Afterwards install .NET 4.7.2 by running: protontricks --no-background-wineserver 1531540 dotnet472 Installation will take some time, be patient. Change proton back to newer version.
Since game patch it no longer requires changing gamma. Still to run the game you have to install .NET as described many times in other reviews.
Change to proton version 4.11-13. Run game once to create wineprefix. Afterwards install .NET 4.7.2 by running: protontricks --no-background-wineserver 1531540 dotnet472 Installation will take some time, be patient. Change proton back to newer version.
Very frequent crashes make this game hard to enjoy
Since game patch it no longer requires changing gamma. Still to run the game you have to install .NET as described many times in other reviews.
Bad performance even on high end PC.
Bad performance in comparison with Windows. 50 FPS at the beginning, but drops to 18 FPS as soon as you try to move your viewpoint or zoom out even a little.
7.0rc2-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Glorious Eggroll Proton-7.0rc2-GE-1
Much better experience than on Proton Experimental, but some, minor choppiness is still there.
Audio in gearbox intro is chopped and looped. Otherwise no problems.
Stopped working after patch 1.1.0 (with nvidia GPU)
Game used to work perfectly before patch 1.1.0. Now crashes before entering menu, with following error in proton log: Assertion failed: !status && "vkCreateComputePipelines", file ../src-wine/dlls/winevulkan/loader_thunks.c, line 2604
Because it is still working on steam deck, I assume that the problem affects only nvidia gpus.
As of patch 1.1.0 there is a problem running the game on nvidia GPUs. Game crashes to desktop instead of going to the main menu. It appears the problem is only in the MainMenu files and only on a single setting - Reflection. It can be solved with some thinkering.
To get around it follow steps below:
- Open the game folder (right click on the game, properties -> installed files -> browse)
- Navigate to Packs/Maps folder.
- Create some folder, name it as you like - i.e. bak or temp
- Find all the files with names starting with "MainMenu_"
- Move all those files to the folder you created in step 3.
- Launch the game. Game should launch to the menu but instead of the background with your mercs, it will be black.
- Open Options -> Video and change Reflections to anything other then Medium or High. Off, Low and Ultra are ok. Apply the change. Don't try to play yet. You do not have some necessary files.
- Close the game.
- Restore the "MainMenu_" files to their previous location.
- Restart the game.
- Game should now go to the main menu, background with mercs should be there.
It may be that in your case Reflections is not the problematic option. We need more reports to confirm that. If you will still have problems, repeat the steps 4 to 6, but instead of changing the Reflections only, manually change all options to the lowest possible setting. Then close the game, restore "MainMenu_" files, restart the game. If it launches to the menu you are almost there. Now try to setting up your options one by one, applying the change after every single one. If it crashes again, just restart game (that last change should not stick and it should launch) and skip that option or try different level.
I tried default proton, GE-Proton 7-15, Experimental as well as changing in-game graphic options and runtime parameters like PROTON_NO_FSYNC, PROTON_NO_ESYNC, PROTON_HEAP_DELAY_FREE.
Sometimes patches of grass are streched across the screen (texture tearing), obscuring the game.
Framerate take a strong dip when grass or fog are present in the scene. There is a lot of grass and fog in this game.
Some of the text is pretty small, but mostly readable.
Game sometimes crashes on exit.
It is possible to get the game to run at acceptable framerate by the combination of following:
- Forced Proton 6.3-8,
- VRAM expanded to 4GB in BIOS,
- swapfile expanded to 16GB,
- swappiness set to 30,
- graphic options in-game set to laptop or low preset.
Game don't look amazing, but it works. Eats through battery like it was pancakes, GPU is at constant 100% utilization.
CryoByte33 have on his github a script that you can run from a desktop mode, that will set your swapfile and swappiness to selected values. I read the script, nothing suspicious there (Oct 29. 2022). You can also see his youtube channel for guide on how to access BIOS and set VRAM.
Do not limit FPS in the in-game menu! Your frametimes will go crazy, jumping between 2 and 70 ms resulting in very choppy gameplay.
Managed to get the game running by setting it to windowed mode and playing with different display modes in launcher. Still, FPS were low to the point of unresponsiveness, even in menus.
Use the hint by Mouse (below) to get around the intro.
Intro does not work, otherwise game plays same as on Windows. Use the hint by Mouse (below) to get around the intro.
Runs ok on medium settings (20-40fps).
Heavy personal customisation, I will share it after playing longer with it on deck.
Crashes mid-late game on save load, if playing on highest graphical options, due to running out of RAM. Change to medium graphic settings stopped crashing.