Fails to get past the launcher.
The APB launcher loads, but presents a popup box saying "Not enough free disk space: 3.83 GB is available, 4.49 GB is required.". The launcher then shows a red 'error' icon in the top right, and the APB Error Report window appears. I've tried setting launch options and making sure that the Proton BattlEye Runtime is enabled, but all to no avail.
Some vehicles experience worse performance than others (although to be fair this may be the case on Windows too). I get 60fps with the jet bridge, but 35-45fps with the catering truck.
Runs fine
Frame rate does drop at certain graphically intensive moments down to around 15fps, but apart from that the game runs at a solid 60fps.
Edited Profiles/config.cfg to change the resolution to 1920x1080
Resolution limited to 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 or 1600x1200 by default.
Using the native Linux build, I couldn't get controllers to work. After enabling Proton Experimental, Bluetooth controllers would freeze for a few seconds every few minutes or so (but still remain connected), whereas USB controllers would perform fine.
Apart from setting the resolution at the start, game runs fine. Getting anywhere from 80-120fps depending on course.
Had to enable Proton Experimental, else it would crash as soon as I pressed the first 'door open' button.
For some reason the native Linux version didn't work, but using Proton Experimental did.
Game runs perfect
Getting average frame rates of about 120fps, peaking at about 180fps.
As others have said, game is stuck at low resolution, but tbh I've experienced this on Windows as well and for a game that's now 27 years old that's excusable.