Provd Gaymer 🏳️🌈👬
Mouse came outside the boundries of my first monitor. Game crashed after that. Having only one monitor fixed this.
Only issue was my mouse coming outside the boundries of the monitor on my dual monitor setup. Screen would crash to black and I would have to restart. Physically unplugging a monitor and rebooting fixed this, as the mouse only had one monitor to mocve around in.
Worked well out of the box, except on my 3440x1440 ultrawide monitor. Game would start and I could hear sounds, but the video was blank.
I could hear menu sounds and music but no video on my 3440x1440 monitor, but started easily on 1920x1080 in fullscreen.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command%
Pulling cursor outside of bounds crashes game on multi-monitor setup. DSFix couldn't disable coursor as well. Using DWM.
Stuttering. Pretty much fixed with DSFix.
All in all it works on Slackware. Textures appear to be lower resolution than 1920x1080 though. Normal stuttering issues seems to be taken care of by DSFix.
Runs perfect on Slackware -current with GE 7.14.
Elden Ring offline works on Slackware current! However, can't get easyanticheat to play nice, so no multiplayer yet.
Copied eldenring.exe and renamed it to start_protected_game.exe. Renamed start_protected_game.exe to start_protected_game.exe.bak
So long story short, Elden Ring offline runs like butter on Slackware current. I made sure my multilib was setup correctly by using the slackpkg+ setupmultilib script, made sure I had the latest vulkansdk possible on slackware from slackpkg, and did the same for my video drivers. I then ran ...
cd ~/.steam/root/ubuntu12_32 file * | grep ELF | cut -d: -f1 | LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. xargs ldd | grep 'not found' | sort | uniq
and used slackpkg to backfill any dependencies that were 'not found' (32bit libnm.so.0 is still not found on my system, that was the only thing I could not track down via sbopkg or slackpkg).
So, here's whats going on now. I have to bypass easyanticheat by doing the standard file name change. If you do this, make sure you backup your start_protected_game.exe by putting a .bak at the end of it so you don't overwrite. If I do that, and run in proton 7.0.1 with no prefixes, game works great in offline mode.
HOWEVER, if I try to run it normally, I need to run the PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command% launch option, or else it throws a dxvk::DxvkError. Once the launch option has been set, and I try to launch the game in either the newest GE, bleeding edge experimental, or 7.0.1, I get a very strange response from EAC. It appears to load normally and then it pops into an "Unexpected Error". I cannot find a single post about this error anywhere, so I have no clue how to solve it. I do have the steam EAC runtime installed, and I have tried deleting it and reverifying, but I still cannot get it to work. Perhaps related to libnm.so.0? I can't say. See the link below for a picture of the error.
I really would love to get this thing fully running, as Slackware is peak comfy for me, but tbh I'm pretty happy I can even play it. If anyone has ever had this issue and feel free to dm me via steam and we can try and sus it out. Happy Slacking!
Multiplayer works on Gentoo now. The problem was with the glibc 2.34 release for Gentoo. I just updated everything to bleeding edge and now use 2.35-r4 and it runs just fine.
Maxed out everything graphically and barely even a hicup. Runs perfect on Slackware -current with GE 7.14. Water has some strange shimmering when zoomed way out, but to be fair that's probably a wonky Kenshi thing and not a proton thing so I didn't report it.