Runs great on the deck. Better after a few small changes. Cloud saves kinda suck thanks to Ubisoft Connect handling them instead of Steam.
Running the game at a forced resolution of 1024x640 using the steam game properties. This will allow you to run the game using FSR. From there adjust your sharpness to your liking. I run a 3. With this I am able to run the game at very high settings with an average of 45-50 fps. I recommend turning the ambient occlusion down to high as you won't really see a big difference and it'll help with performance. Same with fog.
Ubisoft Connect installed for me automatically, but you may need to use protontricks to install Uplay to your prefix if it doesn't auto install. Once Uplay is installed, it will auto update to Ubisoft Connect.
I use the L4 for Animus pinging. R4 for whistling and calling horse. L5 for changing bows and R5 for changing swords.
I do have some issues with sleeping the game and Ubisoft Connect reconnecting to the web so my cloud save syncs so I can continue on my computer. Relaunching and closing the game fixes this.
Going offline and online is the other issue with the Ubi Connect launcher. Going offline, you just have to wait for the program to prompt you when you're offline. But going online seems to require me to launch the game in desktop mode and switch to Ubi Connect to change back to online mode for save syncing. Might be an easier way for this, but I haven't found it yet.
You will sometimes get crackling when resuming from sleep. It doesn't seem to fix itself, but restarting the game will fix it.
See secondary launcher problems section.
The game runs pretty well and pretty consistently with some minor drawbacks. But working around these little issues, it's been a joy to play even at the slightly lower frame rate compared to my PC.
EA launcher installs during initial install, however, it seems to be finiky with the initial launch. Like some others have pointed out, launching the game through desktop mode and logining into the EA launcher seems to be the best route. Then you can launch the game from gaming mode. It'll look like nothing is happening at first but after the EA app shows up a couple of times the game launches and runs flawlessly with most settings maxed out.
See tinkering notes.
Servers are a little dead in the States however. But when one with a low ping shows up, multiplayer runs great.
Some font can be a little small, but it's still legible without the magnifiying.
Game runs pretty great once loaded, but the initial loading, esspecially on larger maps, can be a crawl. Again once load, runs great. I did also find a couple of cars configurations to cause the game to drop from 60 fps to 20 fps. After changing the car it goes back to running great.
Runs great once loaded. Loading can take a minute depending on the map. I'd also be careful of mod and your storage space.
Some text can be small but not impossible to read.
Performance issues only really show up on longer runs with lots of enemies. Issue doesn't seem to be with the CPU or GPU though. I think the bottleneck is the 8GB of ram. Max slow down I get is rought 25-30 fps.
No cloud saves sadly.
Game runs good as it should since it's native. Only wish cloud saving was a thing since I hope between SD and desktop.
Installed LAVFilters (https://github.com/Nevcairiel/LAVFilters/)
Videos in game don't play. This includes the opening cut scene as well as the how to videos while playing.
Not sure what it will take to get the videos to play. I have tried multiple versions of proton and have installed the LAVFilters patch with no fix. I will continue to attempt to get a resolution, but no videos is not a game breaking issue so far.