gamemoderun gamescope -W 5120 -H 1440 -f -e %command%
I used "Proton Hotfix", not "Proton Experimental", but protondb wouldn't let me select that. I also did all my modifications before my first launch, so honestly I have no idea if it would just work with no modifications.
Terrible performance issues renders the game completely unplayable for me
Confusingly nobody else has mentioned this issue, but the first launch of the game took perhaps 10 minutes while waiting in a black screen. After the game finally opened, the main menu worked flawlessly. I started a new game, and again the loading time was insanely long, this time I waited perhaps 10 minutes for the loading bar to reach 100%.
After that the cutscene ran at a flawless 120 fps. However, at the end of the cutscene the frame rate suddenly dropped to 20 and stayed there, even after I took control of the character. This was completely unplayable.
I restarted the game to try a newer Proton version, and this time starting the game only took a few seconds. However, loading my save took even longer than the first, at least 15 minutes. As soon as I'm in the game, frame rate dropped to a stable 20. I tried maxing the resolution and graphics settings, still 20 fps. I tried reducing resolution to 1280x800 and setting all graphics settings to low, still 20 fps.
Unable to launch game, immediately crashes with "Access Violation" error
I've recently updated my system to kernel version 5.12.1 and mesa version 21.0.3, and I'm no longer able to start the game.
When I start the game, I immediately get a popup saying "An Access Violation (C0000005h) has occurred in thread 'Main' at instruction location 00007F24B7C3C8FCh", followed by a stack trace mentioning "ntdll" and "winevulkan".
I have tried Proton versions Proton-6.5-GE-2, Proton-6.3-3 and Proton 5.13-6 and I get the same result with all of them. I have also tried to uninstall the game, purge the wine prefix and the shader cache and reinstalled the game.
The framerate is not playable
Can't get over 20 FPS, no matter what I try. The game looks fine, there are no visible graphical glitches or issues, the frame rate is just horrible, completely unplayable. amdtop shows almost no GPU activity, so it's not a graphics hardware bottleneck.
Going through the previous reports, it seems I am literally the only person in the world struggling with this FPS problem, which is intensely frustrating.
Played through the entire game with no issues, worked flawlessly out of the box
Played the game for about 40 minutes. Everything worked flawlessly, performance was perfect as far as I could tell.
Slight stuttering initially after starting the game, felt like shader compilation stutters. It stopped after a little while.
As others have mentioned, the game must be run with the "-onethread" launch option or it will crash on startup.
Slight stutters when loading new areas, presumably because of shader compilation
Launches and plays flawlessly, except for the fact that cutscenes don't play. My friend has to summarize the mission briefings for me.
Cutscenes don't play, instead I see a black screen with a purple "Skip" button at the bottom right.
The game tries to install Origin on first launch, which fails
As soon as you start Origin installation, a Steam box pops up with "Installing: OriginThinSetup (step 1 of 4)", which spins indefinitely making no progress.
Game hitches perceptibly now and then while building shaders, otherwise the game appears to run absolutely flawlessly. Runs at a constant 60 fps with a GTX 1080 Ti.