Runs surprisingly well and controls very nicely.
Medium graphics preset will give you 60 FPS when driving alone. With a big field of AI cars (24) the performance will drop down to a little over 30 FPS. The game is very much playable if you cap it to 30 FPS or even better 40 Hz and FPS.
Runs very smooth and didn't encounter any issues. No extra steps needed, just download and play.
MSAA and the DX11 enhanced settings tank performance so leave them disabled and use FXAA. A very consistent 60 FPS is absolutely no issue.
Leaving the Proton version on default will cause the game not to boot at all.
Had to switch to proton experimental to get the game to start. But then it works very well with no issues or tinkering needed.
You have to switch to Proton 7.0-2 or Experimental to make the game start. But then it runs beautifully.
Runs very well, stable and still looks pretty good. You have to manually change the permissions of the hardware config files though.
Had to change the permissions for both hardware configuration files (steamapps/compatdata/286570/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/documents/my games/F1 2015/hardwaresettings) so the game is allowed to change them. Otherwise the game defaults the graphics details always to the low preset and 800x600 with no AA and AF enabled every time you start the game.
These settings will give you stable 60 FPS even in the rain. https://imgur.com/a/njalKvT
Doesn't start
Crashes almost instantly with the error message "Can't set viewport". Tried a couple of proton versions but it's always the same result.
Works right out of the box, no tinkering needed. Install and play. Performance is also good if you use medium settings.
The controls aren't working properly but there is a steam deck control layout in the workshop that works very well.
Changed some keys