Works out of the box. :)
Didn't recognise my xbox pad first go. In Steam, in the game Properties > Controller set "Enable Steam Input" on, then it worked as normal.
The only game where being a bit sluggish and your character running at a snail's pace are features, not bugs. ;)
Absolutely perfect without tinkering or startup commands. FPS is controlled in-game so not even Mangohud required.
Read my review on Steam. This is a game every gamer should try.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winmm,dplaysvr.exe=n,b" %command%
CD-Music playback didn't work until I added the Launch Option commands, and that required the correct Proton version to work
32 Bit Textures don't work with any version of Proton; they cause texture corruption though the game is still playable: it only looks weird. It's not a vital feature for the graphics anyway and the game looks great without it.
If anyone knows how to enable 32 Bit Textures, let me know. I've put a Guide on Steam to show the Tinker steps with screenshots and will update that.
MANGOHUD_CONFIG=no_display,fps_limit=60 mangohud %command%
This is a game that really benefits from a controller. Will experiment.
Some stuttering when loading new level scenery
The game refused to load until I tried the GE-Proton.
Feels like game needs more dev time to sort issues. but workarounds make it stable enough to play and it's pretty great from there.
VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL=12_2 VKD3D_SHADER_MODEL=6_6 %command% -ignore-windows-system-certs
'Balanced' shadows are very glitchy. Setting them to Quality smoothed them out
Before I put the launch commands in it crashed a few times in the game proper (the tutorial is stable). Not just the game but crashed Steam as well (The OS was unnaffected). But using the commands I've now been able to play as normal, and won't be refunding it.
Good looking, unusual and fun; shame about the technical shortfalls but hopefully those'll get smoothed out as development progresses out of EA.
Had to update my earlier report, was a little premature. The =dxr command in Launch was the magic bullet for me. The frame-jerkiness, choppy sound and Lumen shading errors all cleared up and my frame-rate shot up by 20% and so far the game hasn't crashed! Also in-game settings tip: Set Performance Mode on, then turn on Lumen to Ultra Quality; the game still looks fantastic! (then bit-by-bit add whatever else you like/your system can handle)
I've played 11 hours of pure joy. Any issues I've had a small, and seem to be resolved now.
Some cut-scene audio seemed to drift a tiny bit out of sync but I haven't seen it in a while.
Steam REALLY doesn't want to Sync these saves, for some reason.
Initially some light, intermittent stuttering but this was resolved with the 555 Nvidia drivers (Explicit Sync)
When I tried Experimental as someone here suggested I started to see UE4 crashes. Going back to normal Proton seems to have solved this.
I've had a great experience with this game but then I'm on bleeding-edge Arch. Others might struggle if they're behind the software curve a bit.
Game has a long way to go to reach a stable state, despite my being able to get a consistent 30FPS framerate during sessions.
Shadow flickering, especially in Aero-Trains
Renderer can run smoothly at 60FPS but engine will often drop to 9FPS - badly needs optimised
Dropped through terrain :)
This is a very promising game and once stabilised and developed more might be something very special.
As user Wyziqi advised, DX9 dlls are required to run the game: >protontricks 372480 d3dx9_31 (repeat for d3dx9_32)
Video playback is borked. Black screen with something playing left hand bar
Game won't run without tinkering. Once it's running though it's smooth as silk and pretty for such an old game.
Game is very badly optimized. Using Native and base Proton gave me slideshow FPS at certain points (the ship launch hanger in particular, looking at the mass traffic flying past)
BUT using Experimental or GE seems to smooth things out considerably. You still see the FPS dropping as you look around but never below 30FPS (on my rig).
Desperately needs optimising but if you can get it smooth there's a decent old-skool space sim here for the taking, with some really nice touches built on top of the classic Freelancer model.
Shader file common.fh needed amending, as per comments here: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=258020
I've played hundreds of hours of this on GOG and it's my second favourite game of the entire series, X4 now having taken top spot in my affections. I've just left comment on Egosoft boards that they've been ignoring a very simple fix for four years now, caused by Nvidia drivers becoming stricter about error messages, that players like me are still encountering. But for anyone reading once the shader file is tweaked (you delete two characters each from the ends of lines 574 and 622 of the file) the game runs amazingly well.