I'm using Xbox controller and sometimes when you are flying, the character turns right as if you are pressing the RT. If you want to go straight again, you must press the RT.
When you start the native version, although the sound is working, you only see a black screen. I've to run the game trough Proton
Sometimes there is some crackling in the audio
The game run out of the box but with terrible framerate (10-50 fps) and it closes every 20 minutes.
I've fixed the framerate installing the gamemode from Feral interactive. GameMode
and running the game with:
gamemoderun %command%
with this option I've got 100-150 fps but the game still closes every 20 minutes.
Disabling Esync fix the problem with the game closing, but you lost a lot of performance.
My final configuration looks like:
PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%
With this I've been able to play the game 2 hour in a row with a stable framerate of 30fps
Better performance with gamemode from Feral interactive. GameMode
Variable framerate (10-50fps)
With default Proton 5.0-9 configuration, the game closes every 20 minutes
The game works out of the box with proton 6.3-6 with good framerate (60fps) and sound. I had only problem with some "cinematics" at the end of the game that were covered with a test pattern/test card (like in old CRT TV). The game was running, because after some seconds I could play the last part of the game, but again the "ending cinematic" was covered with this pattern. Even I couldn't see the ending, credits appears on screen and the game was finished returning to the main menu.
The cinematics of the game are covered with a test pattern/test card like in old CRT TV
Really good experience, only drawback is framerate dropping a lot when entering a new area while the shaders are compiling.
When you enter a new area, compiling the shaders drops the framerate a lot. You have to wait a few seconds and then the game runs fines
I have to install the game twice. The first time, Steam downloaded the full game but didn´t install Origin so I couldn´t login in my EA account. I uninstalled the game and installed again. This time the installer for Origin was downloaded and after configuring my account I could play the game. I configured the game to run with Proton 7.0.3
Works out of the box. I've played full game in one weekend without any problems.
I've had to use Proton 5.0-10, with newer versions the game doesn't load. After that I've played about 5 hours without any error or problem and the framerate is between 60 and 45 fps