Only had ProtonGE preset in my Steam compatibility settings and enabled "Steam Play for all other titles" with no other game specific settings.
Works flawlessly and runs as smooth as expected.
Microphone was not working. Probably something to do with my side but never got it to work.
Works flawlessly
Works fine, latest update fixes audio for CS2 and Dota 2.
Happens with Dota 2 recently too but with Hyprland, changing workspaces with the game on fullscreen makes the game unplayable with the window constantly sliding in an out of my second monitor. My current workaround is to go windowed mode to change to another workspace. Most likely my config but I have no idea how to fix it (pls send help)
Everything works as expected.
Mentioned by icculus: "the new SDL audio subsystem rewrite, which made dramatic changes to the PulseAudio code" (https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota-2/issues/2491). If you have any fixes such as -sdlaudiodriver pipewire/pulseaudio, best to remove it.
gamemoderun STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=/home/$USER/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1580130 %command%
It might ask you to install vcredist but other than that, game works flawlessly
Dota 2 should run without any problems/tinkering.
Multiplayer runs flawlessly
Arch + Hyprland + ALVR + Pico 4. Surprisingly smooth and working as expected. Wireless mode.
Maybe it's just me but the newer versions of Proton-GE or newer Nvidia drivers made it much more smoother since Proton-GE was always in my compatibility settings and HL:A was never forced to use compatibility settings.
With a good computer specs, this game could be enjoyed. Although the loading time is slightly longer comparing to Windows
gamemoderun %command%
Some audio fails to load intially, then loads properly
Multiplayer loads slower than expected.
Only played campaign and one round of multiplayer. All runs smooth and well except it loads slow. Playing with max settings.
Very minor stutter but ran extremely better than my Windows 11 dual boot. Probably because OpenXR Toolkit installed in my Windows.
User 'eepy' mentioned to apply some SteamVR settings:
In SteamVR Advanced Settings - Per-Application video settings, set "Use Legacy Projection Mode" to On
Game Version 0.10.2
gamemoderun STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=/home/$USER/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1580130 %command%
No performance issues since the game is light. Game runs smoothly.
gamemoderun %command%
It might be the game's fault but playing with friends initially had problems on connecting with each other and needed to restart the game.
Me and my friends had to restart a few times to get multiplayer working but overall we played a few match after getting into a lobby just fine. Mods does not work and I didn't bother to get it to work.
gamemoderun STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=/home/$USER/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1580130 %command%
Probably fine even without proton GE but works perfectly without any issues.
Hyprland was a little finicky on fullscreen. Added -windowed in launch option and went fullscreen in game with keybinds should help.
Works fine on my machine and Steam Deck. Hyprland runs this game flawlessly.