Only had ProtonGE preset in my Steam compatibility settings and enabled "Steam Play for all other titles" with no other game specific settings.
Steam Deck has a very enjoyable experience despite the game requiring heavy usage of the mouse
Added a back grip button for left mouse on the left side of the controller so that I could click through text with my left hand as well. Further customization could be done for adding a number pad for spells or other needs for the game.
This was easily fixed by adjusting the GUI scale for the game which can be done easily in the settings menu. I set it to 200% as opposed to 100% as the default. This does cause issues when reading item descriptions as the text will overflow and there is no way to scroll the text.
Game currently just has general bugs that are noticable on PC as well.
As I've said. I've enjoyed being able to play this game on Steam Deck dispite there being no controller support and requiring mouse.
the game takes up almost no battery when playing and the fans don't even start up while playing. I have about 5 hours and 30 minutes of estimated play time while playing the game.
The only places that will be difficult to use the Steamdeck in is with Minigames and unlocking the achievements for those minigames. Mainly in the Archery target and bartending minigames. I had to switch over to my computer to get those achievements. I also used the touch screen for the bartending minigame and that was fairly good but a bit frustrating as well.
I think that generally the controls for the game are fairly good and don't require much customization. I would say that you only really need to customize controls if you want things to be a little easier to access.
Overall this is a great experience and there may be some slight annoyances while playing on Deck but nothing that can't be easily overcome.