Game freezes when reaching the main menu
Common tinkering steps did not change the outcome. Game freezes prior to main menu as soon as the main characters appear in the center of the screen.
Runs better(!) with Proton than it does its native Linux version. Native Linux version was missing AA and mouse input. Works flawlessly out of the box with Proton.
sysctl option net.ipv4.tcp_mtu_probing=1
required for the launcher to connect and game to launch
Performance is great (better than via Lutris or Windows). Some of the audio (Ordis for example) won't play. Attempting to use the somachord wouldn't play audio either and crashed the game.
You can play it, but I know I'm better off running via Lutris for the time being.
The game crashes on launch with esync disabled. Launcher crashes with d3d11 disabled or with wined3d11 enabled.