I didn't have to do any tweaks. It just runs out of the box. It doesn't work under Wayland though, but most people are still using X11 anyway. Performance is also very good. I'm getting 50-70 fps while all the settings are maxed out. The only thing not working so far are the little preview videos for learning new techniques, but that is not a big loss, because you can just as well try out the moves yourself.
For some odd reason 1440p runs smother than 1080p for me. I recommend to disable MSAA and just stick to FXAA for anti-aliasing. Also keep some CPU intensive tasks like grass quality low. Getting 60 fps is not possible, even when setting everything as low as possible. I guess that's because the game is very CPU intensive and not well threaded. I have everything on Very High or High and am getting constantly above 30 fps. The average is about 40 fps. As other people have said here I also recommend "PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 WINEDLLOVERRIDES=winedbg.exe=d %command%" as the start option.
Sometimes after quitting the game the process won't terminate which is the biggest hassle.
In cutscenes the video often lags behind the audio.
I have a Vega56 and Ryzen 1600X. This is my graphics_option.ini file with which I'm getting >50 fps:
[GraphicsOption] ScreenMode=Windowed Resolution=2560x1440 FrameRate=60 V-Sync=Off Aspect Ratio=Off Ultrawide Mode UI Layout=0 OptionMode=Manual High Resolution Texture Pack=Off NVIDIA DLSS=Off DLSS_Sharpness=0.0 ResolutionScaling=High TextureQuality=1024 AmbientOcclusion=Mid VolumeRenderingQuality=High ShadowQuality=High Anti-Aliasing=FXAA LODBias=Variable MaxLODLevel=No Limit FoliageSway=On SubSurfaceScattering=On ScreenSpaceReflection=On AnisotropicFiltering=High WaterReflection=On SHDiffuse=Mid DynamicRange=32-bit MotionBlur=Off Vignetting-Effect=Off Depth of Field=Off Z-Prepass=On
Sometimes it just won't start and I have to restart Steam and try again. After quitting the game around 50% of the time the process won't terminate. I can't even kill it and have to restart my computer for it to stop.
Works flawlessly if Alt+Tab is never used. Sometimes the process won't terminate after quitting the game.
With mf-install it's possible to watch the tutorial videos. Without it the game would crash at this point.
In cutscenes the video often lags behind the audio.
When Alt+Tabbing out of the game and back in again a bug is introduced that makes the character constantly sprint. The game has to be restarted completely to make the bug go away.
Sometimes the process won't terminate after quitting the game and killall -9 MonsterHunterWo
has to be run to make it stop.
Proton-4.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Since the update I'm only getting 1 fps. Even with the GloriousEggroll custom Proton.
Works flawlessly with Proton-5.2-GE-2. The constant sprinting bug when switching windows now also seems to be fixed.
Proton-5.2-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
In cutscenes video sometimes lags a bit behind audio.
Doesn't work anymore. Not even with Proton-5.2-GE-2.
The last update broke it.
- Make sure you have Proton 4.11 installed in Steam under Tools
cp -rv <YourSteamDirectory>/Proton/steamapps/common/Proton\ 4.11 .steam/steam/compatibilitytools.d/Proton-4.11-alt
cd .steam/steam/compatibilitytools.d/Proton-4.11-alt
mv compatibilitytool.vdf.template compatibilitytool.vdf
sed -i -e 's/##BUILD_NAME##/Proton-4.11-alt/g' compatibilitytool.vdf
cd dist/lib64/wine
tar -xzvf
- Restart Steam
- Open the Properties window of Monster Hunter World
- Select 'Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool'
- Select 'Proton-4.11-alt' in the drop-down menu GloriousEggroll
Custom Proton:
- Make sure you have Proton 4.11 installed in Steam under Tools
cp -rv <YourSteamDirectory>/steamapps/common/Proton\ 4.11 ~/.steam/steam/compatibilitytools.d/Proton-4.11-alt
cd ~/.steam/steam/compatibilitytools.d/Proton-4.11-alt
mv compatibilitytool.vdf.template compatibilitytool.vdf
sed -i -e 's/##BUILD_NAME##/Proton-4.11-alt/g' compatibilitytool.vdf
cd dist/lib64/wine
tar -xzvf
- Restart Steam
- Open the Properties window of Monster Hunter World
- Select 'Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool'
- Select 'Proton-4.11-alt' in the drop-down menu
Don't Alt+Tab, or else you may be constantly sprinting.
Works out of the box. If you want the tutorial videos to also work you have to run mf-install.
mf-install for the weapon info videos to work:
git clone
cd mf-install
WINEPREFIX="<YourSteamDir>/steamapps/compatdata/582010/pfx" PROTON="<YourSteamDir>/steamapps/common/Proton 5.0" ./ -proton
(Replace <YourSteamDir>
with your actual Steam directory.)
In some cutscenes the video lags behind the audio.
When switching windows the game will have your keys for switching windows (most likely Alt+Tab) pressed permanently. Just press them again after switching back to make the game realise you've released them.
Sometimes after quitting, the process won't terminate. Just run killall -9 MonsterHunterWo
Adding `-force-vulkan` to the launch options is optional. It should give a slight performance improvement, as DXVK won't need to run then.
The Launcher for the game settings doesn't work, but you don't really need it, because you can change most of the settings in the game itself. Enabling v-sync seems to make it stutter less.