Couldn´t get through product activation. This command helped me to get through product activation: WINEPREFIX=${HOME}/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/105450/pfx/ winetricks d3dx9 mfc42 winxp l3codecx corefonts
Launcher does updates. Pressing "START" starts the game and the loading screen appears. After the loading screen a System Error Message comes up. It says "Game Data Files are abnormal. Please re-install".
Run "WINEPREFIX=/YourSteamLocation/steam/steamapps/compatdata/220440/pfx/ winetricks dotnet40" twice. A popup that a runtime cant be found may come up but it happened to me at the first start of the game. After that it starts and runs with no complaints.
Runs with Proton 3.16-4. With 3.7-8 it just crashes during loading the map. Seems to have problems with light. The headlight of the helicopter in the beginning in singleplayer is a black cone for example. But i dindn´t see any problems further.
Runs with following launch option: "MESA_EXTENSION_MAX_YEAR=2003 %command%".(for AMD Cards) If the game doesn´t fill up your screen and you have a 1600x900 Monitor like me then open the ingame console with SHIFT+^(not ctrl key. It is the one upon the tab key.) and type r_customwidth 1600, r_customheight 900, r_mode -1 and vid_restart one by one. Then it should be fine.
Played until Riverwood without no issues. Freezes if quitting the game. Need to force the termination. Don`t forget to update drivers like here