ended up running "protontricks 244210 dotnet48" and protontricks 244210 -q d3dcompiler_43 d3dx11_43
it crashed once so far
I couldn't get my wheel mapped, well it would map and then not drive the car. The controller seemed to work okay though. Hopefully I can get the wheel sorted and play this properly!
managed to launch via wine after pointing to prefix
I installed the windows steam runtime in the prefix and then run this: wine ../SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/2399420/pfx/drive_c/Program\ Files\ (x86)/Steam/steam.exe
using wine 9.2 had to point to the right prefix: export WINEPREFIX=../SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/2399420/pfx
Had to disable steam inputs
Managed to get the menus working, selected a car and track, and it started to load a track, but got to about 50% and then crashed.
Installed d3dx9 with protontricks
I've got a pretty low end machine
had to compile and load new-lg4ff
added a load of the dx stuff
need to add stuff with protontricks