.NET is required to run the game. The command protontricks 1086940 dotnet48 will make the game perfectly playable.
protontricks 1086940 dotnet48
protontricks 1086940 dotnet48
is required to run the game.
I did add the usual PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command% in the Launch Options, but the game could not run more smoothly. Platinum.
The Linux version requires glibc, which is not included in the installation. The only way I could run the game was Proton.
DEITY EMPIRES Program started May 06,2019 23:49:27 Build: Mar 14,2019 00:29:02 Running Win7 64-bit exe steamworks_initialized: 1 GlobalVars.cpp(2425): Invalid file handle ./mods/* Swapchain backbuffer: 1920 , 1080 Exception thrown at location: ....!!reuse\dx11\Render.cpp(818) Error Message:
Please Contact: Deity Empires on Steam
ERROR: Main.cpp(108) *** Exception Handled. Program ended May 06,2019 23:49:30
Using PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% ran the game perfectly, far, far better than the plain vanilla Wine wrapper did. Combat screens look the way they're supposed to.
Started up, but froze
I used the "PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%" to get to the menu. Tried a Tutorial as well as a New Game. Both times, the loading screen started and stayed there. Unplayable in its present form.
I used my go-to launch option, "PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%" Crash as soon as a forward key, W, was pressed.
As soon as the game proper started, and I hit W to go forward, the game crashed.
Sword cursor leaves trails all over the screen
Used PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% and renamed the fonts file.
The game loads, but the cursor leaves trails everywhere. Could not start the tutorial.
Runs fine, but putting the pointer where you want it is problematical.
The mouse jumps all over the screen.
Started a process, which I had to kill. Should have checked here before purchasing...
I used the Preferences to start the game with Proton 5, and it downloaded the Windows version and ran perfectly.
I used Epsilon's directions, and the game, using Proton 4.29, runs perfectly.
You'd never know it was a Windows game in terms of gameplay and graphics. Out of the box indeed.
Ran without issue, changed screen size, exited, and the screen size was applied.
Crashed with SEH Access Violation on Read in plaid_portaudio::Driver::refresh error.
Only ran with Proton 5.11, but ran fine out of the box once I selected 5.11.
On Arch-based systems (not needed with Debian-based), to run the Mod Editor, this needs to be in the Launch Options:
LD_PRELOAD=~/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libfontconfig.so.1 %command%
Until I found this, I had had to bypass the Mod Editor completely.