Proton experimental often crashes when entering a cutscene, using Proton 9.0-4 fixed that

Works excellently out of the box. 60hz cap on high, could probably push a bit higher but if it aint broke dont fix it.
Bound dive to a back grip button for convenience.

Turn the graphics down to low, IMO the game looks fine on the deck screen on any settings, so medium and high just burn more battery for no reason. Also in low the fans only kick in during loading screens, where on medium and high they go contantly.
No audio during video cut scenes
The game functions without tinkering. The game videos play, but there is no audio during the videos. The videos are not required for the gameplay.
Wie auf Windows
Video cinematic doesn't display, just a black screen with a skip button.

Video cinematics don't actually play, I just have a black screen with a "skip" button. Otherwise, there are some stutters when a lot of gunfires (or particles generally) are visible on the screen. Everything else seems to work perfectly fine, when not firing, the game is very smooth at max settings.