Anti-cheat authorization error: No multiplayer
Anti-cheat authorization error: EOS_Connect_ExternalTokenValidationFailed. and - Connection with server was lost... all of them. Cant play multiplayer..
Currently when first loading into the game, I see bars of colors in 3 rows. very tall, very short, and square on the bottom with some static box in the lower right. When I go to Story, I get audio from the video but all i see si a more fullscreen version of the same colors but the static box is.... static. Doesnt move.
I have used DirectX 11 and vulcan. Vulcan made me crash the first time right off the bat, but thats typical for this game, Vulcan seems to have slightly better framerate after relaunching from that crash. This game has 1000fps in one corner and 7 in the other corner so who knows.
Game will kick me out at random to the server select screen. Seems to take 1-3 hours to do that, and the cause is entirely unknown because it's happened in different locations while I've been doing different things.
I've also been kicked with no warnings or anything when accessing storages and furnaces. My account is about a year old so I assume it's because of old items that may have been changed over certain updates. This happened once at solar city storage, I rejoined immediately and it hasnt happened there again. Same thing with the storage at mineaves territory.
The Furnace at Mineaves territory has done the same thing, didnt kick me for a while, went back hours later and it happened again.. then again. A long while later I was smelting some iron bars and checking recipies for armor plates. It kicked me at least 3-4 times.
I also noticed a few other bugs - maybe all this should be going to the devs but I'll figure that out right after this. I have spawned out in the wine cellar at stange place, spawned back in the next day at korovie - nothing wrong so far - Leave the safe zone, fend off a few dogs, and on the next dog, I cant shoot.. 20 some rounds in the mag, cant shoot, cant reload, cant change weapons. However using medkits still worked as well as ADS. Exiting and reselecting the server - havent had it happen again.
Similar to the last one - I have had it happen a couple times where I cant "loot all" by pressing space, or enter numbers into the settings menu. Absolutely nothing wrong with my keyboard -> I can still jump with space and change weapons with numbers while this is going on. The only way I have found to fix it is by exiting and reselecting the server.
Again most of this should be going to the devs in a bug report, but I never expirienced anything like this when I was playing on windows so it may be valuable information.

scegliete un layout della comunità e rimappate alcuni tasti
frame cap a 40/50 hz
alcune scritte son piccole ed il font usato di certo non aiuta
Con grafica a livelli medio alti e fsr su bilanciato sta tra i 40 e i 50 fps, nessun problema in game, gira meravigliosamente bene.

Works pretty much like it does on Windows
Runs just as expected. Using DXVK instead of "experimental" vulkan in game renderer. I'm getting stable 144 fps in most areas. Everything works as it should.

Everything works out of the box. Game is not very good optimized, but thats not proton problem :) EAC for anticheat - work okey. Install, hit play, connect to server - play. Thats it.

Works perfectly out of the box without any tinkering. The anticheat was updated to work on Linux, so multiplayer works perfectly.

It works really well now
Devs updated EAC and the game works incredibly well, just install and play
The developer did not enable WineHQ support for this game by EAC => No Online Mode
Cause not open EAC on this game WineHQ => can not play.
This is the reason why you can't play:
1.Developers do not currently offer plans to support Linux (August 25, 2018).
PS:Will to Live Online (707010) #5487
Citation:The EAC installer does not load the easyanticheat_wine_x64.eac and easyanticheat_wine_x64.eac.metadata files (server response is empty).
PS:Developers do not have Linux WineHQ enabled

EasyAnticheat is still a problem
I have tried using Proton 5.0-10, 5.3-8, and Experimental, and none of them worked. I keep receiving the same error: Failed to create IGameClient Instance, and I have no idea how to solve it.

Borked thanks to EAC
It used to work quite well but they added EAC maybe a year ago and the game is now borked
AntiCheat not working, On story only black screen but audio working

The menu starts with an error.
The menu starts with an error saying that network play may not be possible. The game starts with sound, but you only see a white or black screen.
EAC launches and then a loading picture for the game. The game then crashes and never actually reaches game play.
With EAC it does not run. White screen on start and then turns to black, audio still plays.

White/Black Screen
Starts the game and audio works but screen stays white. After pressing Esc screen stays black. Probably due to EAC they added just last week.

Easy anti cheat strikes (yet) again.
EasyAntiCheat Error: Failed to create IGameClient instance! Check that the game was run from the correct launcher. Online play may not be available.
And no online button in main menu indeed.
Works fine. Hangs for a few milliseconds and then works again. Happens often. Sometimes you cant get into a server because it loads forever.
Настройки графики максимум FPS ~ 30
Не ковсем серверам можо подключится. На некоторый просто вечная загруска.

It runs 98% as good as it does on windows, for me it is perfect
stutters a tiny little bit more than on windows, runs great though
Gets to menu, picked server, never loads any server.
Huge FPS drops after some pop-up notifications: from 70 to 20 fps. Connecting to servers only after numerous attempts (hold down ENTER key until connected), the same for entering game with a character (ENTER-ESC several times). It helps to restart Steam.

Игра работает, но и свои минусы есть. Не смог подключится к МСК-1, была вечная загрузка незнаю с чем связано(на другие заходило, но тоже не сразу). В общем игра работает более менее, конечно лучше сделать тени и постобработку на низкие, с ними жуть, дроп фпс. А так фпс держится в раене 75-98.. НО, играл на слабеньком HDD так-что бывали дропы фпс(подгрузки неприятные), не знаю, изменилось бы еслиб использовал SDD.

Shadows look a bit funny (spotted rather than smooth). Ran perfectly otherwise. Tried the starting camp, outside area and some enemies.

sometimes small drop fps, but ok.

Loading takes very long and gameplay seems laggy at least in the 10 mins I played. Maybe it gets faster once shaders are processed completely.

Seems to connect now but has infinite loading screen.

Won't connect to servers. Developer won't work on support anytime soon - https://steamcommunity.com/app/707010/discussions/0/2828702372997674021/

Seems like game is working fine. Unfortunately don't want to connect to servers.