Runs quite smoothly.

Launch menu would never load, menu to pick DX12 vs Vulkan. Changed game exe to VA4 DX12.exe to bypass launcher.
Change start exe from ZA4 (in "bin" folder) to DX12.exe

Via Heroic Launcher select DX12.exe
change launch exe inside Heroic Launcher

Stuttered like crazy without V-Sync on. With V-Sync on smooth like butter. Can't reproduce the error, seems to be gone with GE-Proton9-7.
Works with proton (9) and GE proton. Try V-Sync if game stutters. Linux is Nobara 39.
Zombie Army 4 looks stunning on Steam Deck using medium settings at 60FPS and still expecting much more 2h of battery life.
Weirdly every other performance setting other then normal lags my game, even lower ones.
No issues with Linux, sadly the game is still buggy which is unacceptable if you bought it for $50.
Weirdly the game does not work with the the Steam flatpak version, but worked on the normal steam version.
Used to work until about a month ago, now it doesn't launch anymore
After choosing either "Launch with Vulkan" or "with DX12", there's a black screen and the game crashes.

Had managed low settings at 60fps but now I can't even get the game to launch. Using Heroic for Epic Games. I've tried different things and simply can't get it to launch.

Works perfectly out of the box
Launcher works perfectly. Played coop with a Windows user.
The game opens with DX12 or Vulkan option on first Launch, chose Vulkan and was able to run the benchmark and connect to mulitplayer lobbies
mostly medium graphics, little sluggish during demanding scenes.

Vulkan Version Crashing After Main Menu, DX12 Version Running At Worse FPS
Vulkan version crashes on loading benchmark or first campaign mission and sometimes even before reaching the main menu. DX12 version working - but (as expected) lower fps in the main menu on lowest settings than the Vulkan version on high graphics settings.
I know my hardware is old but I would love to run the vulkan version which should give better fps. If anyone knows how to fix this I'd love to have you look at my log files =).
Works fine with proton experimental, 4k, maxed out, 144fps+
does not launch with 6.21-GE-2

proton-6.3-6c Was able to install the game, but unable to launch into the game
Was able to install the game, but when trying to play, I get a preparing to launch window for ~20 seconds that goes away and then the game never launches and goes back to a 'Play' button The error I get when adding logging to the launch options is 1738645.933:0020:003c:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded. 1738645.933:0020:003c:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow The explorer process failed to start.
Multiplayer. Linux server can only start game from new lobby. If lobby started then new connected player drop other players.
Con la ultima versión de Proton (6.3-3) se corrigió el problema del launcher, ahora funciona exelente, Out Of the Box.-

Unable to initialize SteamAPI
I got the all black start menu like another user, but when I follow the other users advice and click the play button in the top left of the black menu screen, I get an error box that states: Unable to initialize SteamAPI. Please make sure Steam is running and you are logged in to an account entitled to the game.
Algunas texturas demoran en mostrarse con la calidad adecuada, ejemplo: Con el juego en preset "ULTRA" algunas texturas parecen "LOW" y tardan en mostrar su correspondiente calidad.
El Launcher aparece en color negro, hay que hacer click en la parte superior izquierda para que el juego se ejecute.
the black launcher screen makes you click on top left corner to start game
The launcher shows up as black, and you have to click in top left corner to run.
Con la nueva actualizacion, el menu lanzador está en color negro, hay que hacer click en la parte superior izquierda para que el juego se ejecute.
El menú inicial aparece en blanco, solo hagan click en "iniciar con vulkan" y el juego correrá de forma excelente