gamemoderun %command%
Uso TDP 10W
Apenas o primeiro menu tem o texto pequeno. O restante das telas e menus tem bom tamanho.
Jogo é antigo, tem poucos online. Funcionou, mas não conte com isso.
Funciona bem, sem necessidade de ajustes.
无法游玩,画面画屏。 Unable to play due to screen freezing.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 DXVK_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 PROTON_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU=0 VKD3D_CONFIG="dxr,dx11,dx12" VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL=12_2 VKD3D_SHADER_MODEL=6_6 VKD3D_CONFIG=no_upload_hvv VKD3D_CONFIG=force_host_cached DXVK_ASYNC=1 PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_NO_FSYNC=0 MANGOHUD_CONFIG="cpu_temp,gpu_temp,cpu_mhz,gpu_power,engine_version,font_scale=1,gamemode,ram,swap,vram,resolution,wine,winesync,vulkan_driver,arch" mangohud gamemoderun %command% -dx12 -d3d12
在2023年末,曾开箱即用,但我以相同的配置文件游玩时却得到同样的结果, 我已尝试常见流行的WINE分支和不同的版本号,但问题依旧,可能是显卡驱动更新导致。
The game worked out of the box in late 2023, but I am getting the same results when playing with the same configuration. I have tried common popular WINE branches and different version numbers, but the problem persists. It is possible that the graphics driver update is the cause.
Heavy graphical glitches on main menu, crashes when starting new game
Tried several varieties of Proton, and only GE versions could even reach the main menu.
game plays great overall
lowered tdp to 5-7 watts
online modes crash the game
crashes in lobby when inviting another player
No issues
40hz will save you 1-3W of power draw depending on the scene. TDP and GPU clock controls are mostly useless in this case, the game always only draws as much as it needs to reach the frame target. Pushing these values will only cause framerate loss or frametime stuttering. (below 7W/700Mhz)
With the default settings (60hz, 60fps limit), you get 3-4hrs and that can be improved by using the 40hz/40fps limiter.
The initial menu has small text. The rest of the game is very well scaled to the 7" display.
Easily does 60fps stable, or 40fps stable with 40hz setting. No issues with suspend, although I always do it from pause menu or during a dialogue. Will only do preset resolution settings, and 1280x720 is the closest.
The game works flawlessly out of the box. No changes made, controls works without any issue and i got no lag whatsoever.
Text is a little too small, mostly in the starting menu
Great game, runs smooth on deck
Runs smooth as butter!
You can play online however if you're not fast enough to ready up in the lobby along with everyone else the game will crash and hosting the game is nearly impossible.
If you want to play singleplayer wise you'll have no issues other than potentially having your game crash while changing the background in the character dressing room.
Worked straight out of the box, with controller support too.
Runs fine out of the box. Maybe stutter a little bit.
Works out of the box like a native game.
It's rare but the game can crash randomly.
The game runs flawlessly without any additional tweak, unfortunately the game crashes if you try to change background in dressing room.
Changing background in dressing room makes the game crash
Native quality, everything works out-of-the-box!
Runs out of the box on Manjaro 18.1 (default Linux kernel and Mesa). This is playable at 1080p using a Radeon RX 550 4GB. See game play video here -->
Played story mode, multiplayer matches with bots, diorama and other menu stuff. Smooth 60 fps gameplay. Even videos play. It just works.
Single player: (Platinum) Works perfectly.
Multiplayer: (Silver/Gold) You can join a match and see it through to the end, but the game crashes once a match ends and you are sent back to the lobby. I've had a crash happen for each multiplayer match I've participated in. Not sure how to fix and haven't seen any other reports.
If you're playing for single player, go for it, but if multiplayer is your goal, proceed with caution.
Played through the entire game with a Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2 gamepad, all of which worked out of the box.
The game runs perfectly. Controller support is on the other hand isn't perfect. The game recognizes and uses generic controllers like DS3 but not Steam Input controllers like SC
Runs like native on Fedora 29, need to turn on the control before you enter the game
It's just perfect :3
Game runs flawlessly when using xboxdrv for handling gamepad support
All you need to do is configure your controller on Steam Big Picture to simulate a keyboard.
Performs great, no workarounds
Controller inputs do not work