The game runs on Adobe AIR and unfortunately does not support Steam Cloud, so you'll have to manually backup your save game data if you want to play on another platform
The only issue I noticed is that the Deck doesn't seem to know the game has exited when you select Exit Game
Fully playable out of the box
Audio crackling if you don't set launch option "PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 %command%"
Game does not minimize on Alt-tab
Game launches to a black screen, then nothing happens.

Game won't start, just a black screen and nothing happens.

Just a black screen and nothing happens.

Game won't start, just a black screen and nothing happens.

Launches to a black screen, nothing happens. Tried 32bit and 64bit versions and also D9VK.

It got stuck during the Loading Screen

Game launches to a black screen, nothing else happens. Tried 32bit and 64bit versions, and also with D9VK

Won't start just a black screen and nothing happens .Tried Proton launch options and disabling Steam overlays. Also tried 32bit and 64bit version of the game.

launching the game there is just a black screen and nothing happens, tried different Proton launch options and disabling Steam overlays. Also tried 32bit and 64bit version of the game.

Game won't start, tried disabling Steam overlays and different Proton launch options.