Game was crashing with default setup. After having copied the file XAudio2_9.dll into the game folder it was working fine
Game doesn't close properly.
The soundeffects+voice are completely missing, however music and background sound are available. Unfortunately the game doesn't close and I have to quit Steam manually. Same issues with latest Proton btw.
WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/1305720/pfx ~/bin/winetricks d3dcompiler_47
Runs without modifications but always in Windows Mode which for me is not an issue because I am using Steam Link to stream the game fullscreen to my TV.
Seems to work only in Fullscreen with nice scaled screen when using a newer version of ScummVM. Download a newer version e.g. here https://www.scummvm.org/frs/scummvm/2.0.0/scummvm-2.0.0-win32.zip and replace all files in the game subfolder "scummvm". Afterwards game works perfectly fine.
Please install https://github.com/z0z0z/mf-install to make the game working. Otherwise there will be just a black screen. WINEPREFIX="//steamapps/compatdata/1058320/pfx" ./mf-install.sh
The game didn't start out of the box but I was able to run it by using a native Linux installation of Dosbox. Just install it and use the dosbox.conf of the game as an argument.