Backed up original player.exe
[steamapps/common/STAR WARS - Galactic Battlegrounds Saga/Game]$ mv player.exe{,.old}
Symlinked battlegrounds_x1.exe
to plqyer.exe
[steamapps/common/STAR WARS - Galactic Battlegrounds Saga/Game]$ ln -s battlegrounds_x1.exe player.exe

Tras asegurarnos de tener instalado ProtonTricks (desde Discover), necesitaremos instalar el decodificador de vídeos IV50 (http://www.cucusoft.com/codecdownload/codinstl.exe), ¡y ya está!..., aunque es recomendable instalar el mod "Expanding Fronts" (https://www.moddb.com/mods/star-wars-galactic-battlegrounds-expanding-fronts) para hacer que este juego luzca soberbio.
El juego es de 2001; debería funcionar en una cafetera... ¡Abajo esa TDP!
La fuente original es difícilmente legible, pero podemos cambiarla tras instalar "Expanding Fronts".
La resolución máxima para el modo portátil no debe superar 1024x768 si queremos evitar molestos artefactos en toda la pantalla jugando a la versión "vainilla", pero el problema desaparece tras instalar "Expanding Fronts".
A pesar de que el juego original sólo precisa de la instalación del decodificador de vídeo IV50, es más que recomendable añadir al paquete el mod "Expanding Fronts" para gozar de verdad este título. Será necesario añadir el ejecutable del mod a Steam tras descomprimirlo en el directorio del juego como "producto que no es de Steam" para que funcione.

Tras asegurarnos de tener instalado ProtonTricks (desde Discover), necesitaremos instalar el decodificador de vídeos IV50 (http://www.cucusoft.com/codecdownload/codinstl.exe). ¡Y ya está!..., aunque es recomendable instalar el mod "Expanding Fronts" (https://www.moddb.com/mods/star-wars-galactic-battlegrounds-expanding-fronts) para hacer que este juego luzca como se merece.
El juego es de 2001; debería funcionar en una cafetera... ¡Abajo esa TDP!
El lanzador original del juego, que permitía activar el modo panorámico, no funciona correctamente. Sin embargo, instalando el mod "Expanding Fronts" conseguiremos eso y muchas cosas más :)
La fuente original es difícilmente legible, pero podemos cambiarla a algo mejor tras instalar el mod "Expanding Fronts".
La resolución máxima para jugar en modo portátil no debe superar 1024x768 en la versión "vainilla", pero el problema desaparece tras instalar "Expanding Fronts".
A pesar de la necesidad de instalar el decodificador de vídeo IV50, es más que recomendable añadir al paquete el mod "Expanding Fronts" para una experiencia soberbia. Será necesario añadirlo a Steam tras descomprimirlo en el directorio del juego "como producto que no es de Steam" para poder lanzarlo de manera funcional.

Tras asegurarnos de tener instalado ProtonTricks (en Discover), necesitamos instalar el codec para videos IV50 (http://www.cucusoft.com/codecdownload/codinstl.exe). Y ya está... ...aunque, si quisiésemos enriquecer la experiencia "vainilla", es recomendable instalar lo siguiente:
- Parche TodoEnUno: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=636984276
- Modificación "Expanding Fronts": https://www.moddb.com/mods/star-wars-galactic-battlegrounds-expanding-fronts
El juego es de 2001; imaginad lo que podéis bajar la TDP...
Steam lanza automáticamente el ejecutable de Las Campañas Clon, pasando por alto el lanzador original que ofrece la opción de activar el modo de pantalla panorámica. Es posible acceder a él desde el directorio de instalación, pero devuelve errores con todas las opciones. El archivo al que hace referencia para activar la pantalla ancha (Game\wide_on.exe) puede lanzarse a través de ProtonTricks, pero no cambia nada...
De por sí, los textos son pequeños. Más aún desde la pantalla de la propia Deck...
La resolución máxima para jugar en modo portátil no puede superar 1024x768
Es necesario un mínimo de conocimiento trasteando para poder instalar los decodificadores de vídeo necesarios para que el juego funcione.

- Change to proton-experimental
- Run the game once to generate the prefix (it will crash)
- If running ProtonTricks as a flatpak, use FlatSeal to grant it permission to entire filesystem
- Use ProtonTricks to launch All-In-One Patch
- Extract mod Expanding Fronts to
STAR WARS - Galactic Battlegrounds Saga
directory - Use ProtonTricks to
Run a commandline shell
and then execute the commandwinetricks directplay
and thenexit
to fix LAN multiplayer - It may also be necessary to disable firewalld for multiplayer
- Rename or delete
from the Game directory - Copy and Rename
- Run the game from Steam
- Be sure to run the Configurator and set your resolution and check the boxes to remember your choices

Fuentes distorcionadas de algunos tipos de letras
No funciona en ventana
Funciona bien con y sin Expanding Fronts
I had to apply all-in-one patch: (https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Galactic_Battlegrounds#Widescreen_resolution), Installed expanding fronts, and renamed battlegrounds_x2.exe to player.exe
battlegrounds_x1.exe or battlegrounds_x2.exe must be renamed to player.exe

It ran perfectly after modding it, sucks it doesn't work automatically but it's an old game designed for a really old version of Windows...
Installed expanding fronts, renamed the battlegrounds_x2.exe to player.exe and by some miracle I got it to run. After that I set it to run expanding fronts but you can actually configure it there for a modern resolution even on the old version using that...
If you alt tabbed on the title screen you break the fullscreen until you get into a game or restart, this is with the expanding fronts mod...

switch out player.exe with battlegrounds_x1.exe
volume is unreasonably loud
output area shifts all over screen depending on which segment of game you're in
output area shifts all over screen depending on which segment of game you're in
feels either over or under accelerated click resonse is laggy af
floaty mouse movement
Still playble if you're familiar with the game. Believe it or not, less serious issues in linux than in windows lol.
Game barely worked in Windows, suspect Age of Empires and DirectDraw fixes will both be needed to play this game.
Works after:
- 1 - changing the "battlegrounds_x1.exe" name to "player.exe" in the game's folder (/home/username/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/STAR WARS - Galactic Battlegrounds Saga/Game).
- 2 - running "WINEPREFIX=/home/username/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/356500/pfx/ winecfg" on the terminal
- 3 - the click on the "Graphics" tab and check the 4th option "Emulate virtual desktop".
Installed: All-In-One Patch https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=636984276 & Expanding Fronts https://www.moddb.com/mods/star-wars-galactic-battlegrounds-expanding-fronts/downloads/expanding-fronts-150-full In game folder: deleted player.exe, renamed battlegrounds_x2.exe to player.exe Changed the resolution from default to NATIVE Credits to OneUp03.
Once again, credits to OneUp03. Battery usage great, game runs perfectly.
Change Proton version to 6.3-8 Download and use ProtonTricks to Install: All-In-One Patch https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=636984276 Expanding Fronts https://www.moddb.com/mods/star-wars-galactic-battlegrounds-expanding-fronts/downloads/expanding-fronts-150-full After extracting Expanding Fronts, run battlegrounds_x2.exe and be sure to run the configuration and set resolution to 1280x800. Rename/Delete Game/player.exe Rename battlegrounds_x2.exe to player.exe In STEAM OS in game properties, change the resolution from default to NATIVE
gamescope %command%
(gamescope is also available as a flatpak add-on to the steam flatpak).
I was also able to run the fan-made Expanding Fronts expansion. It runs better once windowed mode is enabled in the launcher. While the main menu works through gamescope, it looks like the widescreen patch doesn't like gamescope, but I was able to play by tiling/untiling/resizing/full-screening the windowed game window (only available in Expanding Fronts).
Game wont launch without workaround
Install steam version, download a nocd patch as game will ask for cd otherwise. the file is called battlegrounds.exe - rename it player.exe. In the game folder browse to the folder named GAME - rename or delete the file player.exe and put the no cd patch player.exe in its place. In STEAM OS in game properties, change the resolution from default to NATIVE

The game itself hasn't been adapted for modern resolutions and will crash. You have to apply a mod to be able to play it
I had to apply the one of the mods described here (https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Galactic_Battlegrounds#Widescreen_resolution) to be able to launch the game
Mouse and keyboard doesn't work properly on the menu
You have to apply the one of the mods described here (https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Galactic_Battlegrounds#Widescreen_resolution) to be able to launch the game. The main menu will not be rendered in Widescreen, and the mouse and keyboard will not work properly on it (in game they do)
Run in terminal
protontricks -c "winecfg" 356500
and setup there a virtual display to one of variants: 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024.Replace file
by copy ofGame/Battlegrounds.exe
(main game) or copy ofGame/battlegrounds_x1.exe
(main+dlc game).Run game from Steam. Menu will be in 800х600, screen size for battles choose in Option menu.
Played with Proton 6.3-8 after customization.

Game resolution is too low (old game, max 1280x1024).
At 1920x1080 the menu is cut off.
You need to change the system resolution to 1280x1024 or less to play the game.
Just change the resolution like the game needs e be happy.

Not booting up
Had try with Proton 6.3-7 and Proton Experimental
When launching the unmodded game, a resolution of 1280 x 1024 would put the game in the top right corner and fill the rest of the screen with solid magenta color.
I highly recommend installing the All In One patch and the Expanding Fronts mod. The mod runs better than the base game. I was able to run it in Full HD resolution without most of the screen being taken up by magenta. There were some issues with mod/patch .exe installers recognizing the game installation folders as such. I have no idea why it did work in the end. Just fiddle around with it a little.

Won't start
when I launched the game the net framework appeared but after it finished a black screen flashed than dissapears.

Game doesn't even install the .NET Framework
When I hit play on the steam page a screen that said installing .NET appeared and it stayed there for a slolid 5 min before I had to kill the window. Totally broken game.
As advised: Renamed executables and set virtual desktop

Ones more - 1) Run "WINEPREFIX=/path-to-SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/356500/pfx/ winecfg" and setup virtual screen to 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024. 2) Copy Battlegrounds.exe or battlegrounds_x1.exe into player.exe. 3) Run game
Played with Proton 4.11-13.
I renamed battlegrounds_x1.exe to player.exe, added in dgvoodoo2, and used protontricks to add ddraw as a native library
I renamed battlegrounds_x1.exe to player.exe and installed dgvoodoo and used winecfg to add ddraw as a native library

Fails to load up out of the box. As mentioned below there might be tweaks that can get it to work.

Game doesn't work on Proton out of the box. I had to delete the launcher player.exe. Then I renamed battegrounds.exe to player.exe. After this the game worked with WineD3D (DX7), but there was often a flickering. I copied dgVoodoo2, then run protontricks GAMEID winecfg, set ddraw to native and then the game worked much better with this DX7 to DX11 to Vulkan translation.

Won't start.

Ran the winecfg, virtual window mode. Runs fine, but the window can't resize.

Steps to get it running: 1.-The normal launcher doesn't work. You must rename "Battlegrounds.exe" (base game) or ""battlegrounds_x1.exe" (clone wars DLC) to "player.exe", and use an emulated wine desktop. 2.-You need wine's emulated desktop. Open a terminal and type "WINEPREFIX=/home/username/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/356500/pfx/ winecfg" (replace username with your linux username). This will open the Wine configuration tool for the settings of that specific Steam game. 3.- Click on the "Graphics" tab and check the 4th option "Emulate virtual desktop". Put a resolution of your choice. The possible game resolutions are 800x600 - 1024x768 - 1280x1024. 4.- Click on Apply and close the Wine Configuration tool. 5.- Open the game normally from Steam.
The load times might be longer than usual. Game breaking issues: The cursor area might be limited so that you can't click on some interface options. Avoid alt-tabbing.

Won't launch at all

The game has a launcher that allows you to set some options and choose which game to launch (original or clone campaigns). The launcher doesn't work.
To run the game, you have to open the game's folder, remove or rename "player.exe", and copy "battlegrounds_x1.exe" to "player.exe" (or "Battlegrounds.exe" to "player.exe" if you want to run without the clone campaigns expansion). This will replace the launcher with the actual game.
Then, run winecfg in the game prefix ("WINEPREFIX=/home/username/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/356500/pfx/ winecfg") and enable "Emulate a virtual desktop" (I chose 1280x1024 as the resolution, since it's the maximum supported by the game).
After the tweaks the game runs perfectly (out of curiosity, I used to have graphical glitches in Windows 10 but found none in Linux). Multiplayer was not tested.

Won't launch

The game can be run with the "Emulate a virtual desktop" setting enabled. This can be done by enabling the setting using the winecfg tool using the following command : "WINEPREFIX=/home/username/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/356500/pfx/ winecfg". Just replace username with your username. Besides that in the game folder the executable "player.exe" has to be renamed to something else. Then rename "Battlegrounds.exe" to "player.exe" to play the original campaigns, or rename "battlegrounds_x1.exe" to "player.exe" to play the expansion pack. Menu's have some graphical glitches and I had problems scrolling up. That can be circumvented by using the arrow keys. I played this way through the first mission of OOM-9's campaign.

Game wont boot. You might see the screen flash.
Tried renaming some files. Battlegrounds.exe is the original, and battlegrounds_x1.exe is the clone campaigns. player.exe is the launcher to switch between the 2. Renaming any of the campaigns to player.exe will result in a black screen when it should play the intro movies. Renaming or deleting the intro movies doesn't result in anything.

Screen flashes, but then nothing.

Not working at all. Worked fine a while back on Wine as Standalone, so I got it on Steam. Tried quite a few things but it won't run. It says running than it shuts down. No black screen nor anything else.

Does not run at all

Does not work. At best, a black window flashes.