O jogo em si abre e funciona o modo Single-Player sem muitos problemas além dos savegames com problema.
PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 gamemoderun %command%
D9VK reduz a qualidade em troca de melhor performance.
A capacidade do Operation Arrowhead de encontrar o ArmA 2 regular, para jogar com Combined Operations não funciona sem tinkering.
O Combined Operations foi possível através da criação de um softlink da pasta AddOns/ do ArmA 2 regular para dentro da pasta do Operation Arrowhead. Mods e afins funcionaram perfeitamente após isto.
$ ln -s $HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Arma\ 2/AddOns $HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Arma\ 2\ Operation\ Arrowhead
Apesar do DXVK regular funcionar, o D9VK apresentou melhor estabilidade e performance.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n" %command% -nosplash -skipIntro
Changed registry keys
For a working game, read the guide by pngu. Multiplayer does not work, sadly.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n" %command% -nosplash -skipIntro
Adding WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n" to the launch options and setting the in-game "Samples" option in the audio settings menu appears to help with crackling sound.
Occasional flickering of textures and shadows, but not worse than what also occurs on windows versions of BI games.
Not a linux-specific issue but the "negative acceleration" that was removed in ArmA 3 and later is present in this game, which is going to throw you off if you're the kind of person who primarily plays shooty-pew-pew games.
The game can get pretty stuttery at times. Especially annoying due to the forced motion blur, unless you set post-processing quality in the video options to "Very Low" or "Disabled".
In addition to what's been outlined in Rakon's report below, I managed to get the DLCs/Expansions working.
The mentioned "error at launch about being unable to find Arma2.exe" is Steam trying to install the ACR DLC. You can fix that by running regedit in the game's wineprefix, navigating to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\bohemia interactive studio\arma 2
, and changing the values of the data
and main
keys from %STEAMPATH%\SteamApps\Common\ArmA 2
to Z:\path\to\your\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead
Installing the BAF and PMC expansions is a little more tricky (even on Windows, see https://support.bohemia.net/arma-2-british-armed-forces/steam/128), because they show up as separate games in your steam library. When you click "Play" to install the expansions, they cannot find the CD key for your A2:OA install because it's part of a different wineprefix. To fix that, export (using regedit) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\bohemia interactive studio\arma 2 oa
from the A2:OA wineprefix, and then import it into the prefixes of A2:BAF and A2:PMC, then click "Play" on each to install the files.
Finally, export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\bohemia interactive studio\arma 2
from the A2 wineprefix, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\bohemia interactive studio\arma 2 baf
from A2:BAF and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\bohemia interactive studio\arma 2 pmc
from A2:PMC, then import them all into A2:OA. You should now have a working "Combined Operations" installation with expansions and no error messages on launch. Go grab a beer, you earned it.
Occasional texture flickering
Game seems to run slightly slower; may need to lower graphics settings a tiny bit compared to running it on Windows
Throws up an error at launch about being unable to find Arma2.exe. There was nothing I could figure out to stop this, but it doesn't actually cause a problem.
OOTB, game is broken (missing Arma 2 campaign; and missing textures prevent loading save games). Arma 2 itself, OOTB, is also broken and much harder to get running. Follow the below steps to be able to play both Arma 2 and Arma 2: OA's campaigns:
- Install Arma 2 and Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead
- Copy the entire AddOns folder from Arma 2 over to Arma 2: OA's installation directory (this fixes the issue of not having access to A2 content from inside A2: OA)
- To fix the missing textures issue that prevents loading savegames, go to
%STEAMAPPS%/common/Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead/DLCsetup/0ACRlite/Common
and extract all the .xz files into the folder. Now copy all the non-.xz files to%STEAMAPPS%/common/Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead/AddOns
. If you have any other folders under DLCsetup, repeat this process. - Launch Arma 2: OA and hit Expansions in the menu. Enable anything that is disabled. You will be prompted to restart the game. After that, you should be good to go.
Single player defiantly works fine
Given the news about proton's battleye support with Dayz and Arma 3 I wanted to try the OG, however I'm unable to launch Arma 2 and every Operation Arrowhead server I tried to connect kicks me complaining I'm missing files related to Arma 2 if I try manually merging files over from Arma 2 it says I have modified files. Launching with Battleye didn't seem to effect or block the game running, but given I couldn't connect to a server that is inconclusive.
Single player game runs, but save games are broken, so you can only successfully play if you finish each mission on one sitting.
Can't load save games, missing textures error.
Il gioco funziona , però diventa ingiocabile , perchè non riconosce i caricamenti
Same as "Arma 2", none of the start options work
Totally borked.

very good
i didn't tested multiplayer, but single player works very well i detected only one problem --- if you open map, fps will down
Works good for SP. Broken map view is an issue however. Needs to be launched without BattleEye
Works fine with or without D9VK. Some (very minor) graphical glitches seem to be gone with D9VK. Performance is similar, maybe slightly better with D9VK
- Map view and editor have heavy graphical glitches when zoomed out.
- Trees and grass looks "blocky" when option ATOC is enabled
BattleEye does not work
Error message at the beginning can be clicked away / has no (obvious) effect

Battleeye not working, key register issue which may lead to FADE as previous comment says. Heavy mouse issue making it accelerate for no reason. Can't set AA on very high without black screen. Getting between 42-72fps with vsync disabled.

Severe mouse issues preventing play, requires Battleeye to be disabled and no option to provide serial key meaning FADE copyright protection will eventually kick in.

Runs with BattlEye disabled.

Only works with BattlEye disabled, and throws an error about a missing license in the registry, and has fairly low performance, BUT the game does launch for me.

Performance seems a bit lower / Game seems to freeze system when alt tabbing / opening a shell and killing game process fixes it

There are some missing file errors here and there but otherwise seems to work perfectly fine.