PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8,devenum=n,b" %command%
The launch options include DLL overrides which are not nessecary to launch the game. Use them if you intent to use Autolink mods.

Proton GE 9-25 it good, if you use this proton don't use any other command or you going to experience bad performance
gamemoderun %command%
when I use mangohud sounds stops at times, dont use it
works good so far, movies and all I tested 1 hour in arcade and story mode, but don't use mangohud or the sound will stop at times

I've used the latest version of Steam OS and the game will load with the aformentioned Launch Items. The latest version of Proton GE (9-22) will cause the game to not load. You will run into the test pattern of doom with a couple of cutscenes including the ending video of the game.
Игра запускается с белым экраном. Пробывал изменять vsync - показывает только начальные заставки.

There is lag sometimes. Online mode access requires to get the USER_DATA_5Z file from a game that has working online mode (like a windows install) and put it in : /home/twings/.steam/steam/userdata/(number)/311730/remote/
The controller isn't properly mapped by default so use Steam's input setting.
As recommended by others, I'm using those launch options (the game would get stuck on a white screen without it) : PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 %command%
You need to run the config menu before the game if you want to set fullscreen and other options.
GE-Proton7-20 was required to play cutscenes properly (mainly for story mode). Standard Steam Proton doesn't display those cutscenes. GE-Proton8 would work but the cutscenes get laggy. From GE-Proton9 cutscenes don't work at all anymore.

Without changing the launch options I get a blank screen.

"back" was swapped with R3, "start" was swapped with L3.
I added native d3d8.dll to support autolink mods.
Autolink mod works, but don't add the other native .dll that comes with the autolink mod - it will introduce huge issues, with no benefit.
Cinematics finally works with GE-Proton7-16! It's now recommened with the tinkering steps supplied. Enjoy!
gamemoderun %command%
Online gaming requires this file.
It needs to be placed here
If you don't have a folder named remote at the end destination, just right click and create folder named remote and place your downloaded file in there.
Launch options may differ for Steam Deck. You may wish to experiment with Steam launch options PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 %command%
Needed both FSYNC and ESYNC variables otherwise I got the blank white screen.
You can set the resolution to 1280x800 but it doesn't seem to support 16:10 aspect ratio as it still letterboxes. A couple minor hitches at start but otherwise arcade mode seems to run fine.
Did not try story mode or online (Since I'm garbage - although it did notify me about online opponents being available i.e. throwdowns)
If you can't play online download the fix. https://archive.org/download/doa5lrnetworkerrorfix/USER_DATA_5Z
Place the file in this location. /home/YourUserName/.steam/steam/userdata/EveryonesNumberHereIsDifferent/311730/remote
If you don't see a folder called remote at this location just make one yourself and place the downloaded file inside it.
When playing story mode you can't see some of the cinematics
I think this games netcode is just poor even on windows. Games like Tekken 7 uses a better netcode than this game does.

6.16-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Proton 6.16-GE-1
When prompted after launching the game on Steam, "Config" doesn't start. Changing the lines in the DOA5LR.ini files (all 4 of them in the compatdata folder) does nothing. Game is permanently windowed no matter what I do.
Videos (like the Team Ninja video in the start of the game) are shown but are very choppy. This doesn't affect game performance.
Need disable both ESYNC and FSYNC, otherwise will get a white screen.
Occasional crashes after 2h+ playing
Missing all video intros and cutscenes. The game process just skips them
On my setup I was normally run the game under Proton 4.2-9 and launch options: " PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command% "
seems also in-game movies not work at this moment
Needed to launch the game.
32 bit prefix needed for cutscenes.
Install Wine, cURL, 32 bit graphics drivers and Winetricks 20200412 or later.
Launch the game at least once after install.
Change the path to Proton according to the intended version: $ ln -sf $HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 5.0/dist/lib/wine/dxvk/*.dll ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Dead\ or\ Alive\ 5\ Last\ Round/
$ cd $HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/311730/
Notice the dot: $ mv pfx/drive_c/Program\ Files\ (x86)/Steam/ .
$ rm -R pfx
Cancel Mono and Gecko install and press OK: $ WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/311730/pfx WINEARCH=win32 winecfg
Confirm everything and close Windows Media Player. The order of the packages in Winetricks matters: $ WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/311730/pfx ./winetricks qasf wmp10 wmv9vcm quartz devenum
$ mkdir pfx/drive_c/windows/syswow64
$ mv Steam pfx/drive_c/Program\ Files/
A secondary controller, even when not connected, was detected as primary controller on my PlayStation 2 adapter.
Minor slowdowns in some levels and during the first few hours due to shader compilation.
After performing a slightly convoluted procedure to get the game to play the cutscenes, everything works as expected.
Avoid freeze when launching game.
You need to create a 32 bit prefix for the cutscenes to work. I have written a guide here: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/fta4zs/guide_how_to_create_a_32_bit_prefix_in_steam_play/
If your controller is not working and you have more than one gaming HID attached, you may want to check if the game is considering a disabled device. I use a dual port EMS2 USB adapter for PlayStation 2 controllers and I had to connect the controller to port 2 for the game to detect it.
Some minor slowdown during the first few hours of gaming due to shader compilation.
Everything works as expected except for the cutscenes. There must be a way to fix this problem too.
Avoid crash when launching game.
I was able to get the cutscenes working in the standalone version of the game. Unfortunately the prefixes in Proton are 64 bit but wmp10 will only install in a 32 bit prefix. I was unsuccessful in using a 32 bit prefix in Proton. I am reporting the steps to have the cutscenes working in standalone Wine in the hope someone will manage to have it working in Steam. This is the Winetricks line:
winetricks qasf wmp10 wmv9vcm quartz devenum
Please note that:
- You must use the latest revision of Winetricks from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Winetricks/winetricks/master/src/winetricks because the latest stable version has a problem with wmp10. Hopefully this will not be needed with the next stable release of Winetricks.
- The order of the packages in Winetricks matters. Installing qasf after wmp10 may not work. You may want to stick with the order above.
- In Winetricks, just confirm everything in the install wizard and close the Windows Media Player window.
I use a dual port EMS2 USB adapter. I had to connect the controller to port 2.
Some minor slowdown at the beginning due to shader compilation.
There must be a way to apply the same Winetricks hacks I used on standalone Wine. I am just fed up with it and I hope someone will find a way to overcome the 64 bit prefix issue in Proton.
Game work properly. If at startup the screen is white, launch option "PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1" solve the problem. https://youtu.be/_8-QXJad4J0
The first minutes of playing are subject to important drops in framerate that can drop down to ~ 40fps. This problem is due to the compilation of shaders after launch the game.

Game shows white screen and fails. Disable Esync do not help.

Run with "PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%" otherwise white screen. 2D movies do not work (screensaver, story mode) black screen with sound and subtitles.

Must set the settings using the config options available to your before you go into the game to make it fullscreen.

Add "PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%" as a launch option in Steam. Open up the config when Steam prompts you to. Set it to fullscreen. It will then launch with the Tecmo logo. Press a button on your controller to get to the game menu.

Just had to disable Esync to get running, can't get the controller to work if I use AutoLink but still attempting to resolve this.

Able to get past the white screen on launch by disabling esync, but at the black screen there's no prompt for user input like the other reporter suggested (if there is something the user should do without a prompt, please post what to do). Proton logs yield the following error repeated continually at the black screen: no class object could be created for context 0x3
I'm unable to progress beyond this.

Requires already mentioned launch options, requires user input at black screen to progress, config in separate small app appears non-functional / no full screen, some issues may be related to f2p version

Running with launch options: "PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%,PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 %command%" The former command fixes white screens on launch, the latter fixes audio issues. The game works as expected, other than some spontaneous lockups every now and then that last no longer than one or two seconds. My underpowered GPU may be to blame. YMMV.

Esync must be disabled. put "PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%" in launch options

Just displays a white screen upon launch.