Bei laden des Anticheat im Hauptmenüs bleibt es hängen. Commands ohne Erfolg probiert.
Don't pay for it, If you haven't managed to bypass anticheat with other games. Gets stuck on initial loading screen. Anticheat is the problem.

40 FPS cap and lower settings
Works just fine ootb, set some TDP and FPS limits for +3 hours battery
Works perfectly out of the box

Game works out-of-the-box with Proton 5.0-10
Did not work with Proton 5.13-6

Works perfectly as long as you're not running Vulkan 1.2.153
Previous breakage was caused by https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/7368

Used to run unchanged. Now requires "PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1" and runs slowly.
Worked fine until a recent change. Now I'm only getting <15fps in games.
If one wanted to hate themselves, this game does work without Linux related issues.
Running perfectly
I tested the game briefly and everything seemed ok.

Heavy play, runs perfectly, no tweaks needed at all. Get better performance than within windows (bugs such as temp freeze when stun and overview map performance issues are gone).

On the first launch I had a freeze after the introduction cinematic, but since then I launch twice and played for it bit, and everything seems to be working.

Native performance, mouse and game-pad work out-of-the-box, just great!

under the games properties click "set launch options" and paste this into it PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command% should work fine after

Runs perfectly with the mentioned tweak (it makes characters visible)

Gets stuck on initial loading screen, no error reported but has to be killed.

Need some proton tweaks, otherwise running without issue.

No more see-through characters
It works out of the box, but it is one of those games affected by the "transparent characters" bug. Some people has fixed it on other titles by toying around with the different direct3d options in the prefix

to make bodies visible add launch option: PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command%

For characters no figure parts visible, only cloth parts and weapons. Tried both proton 3.7.3 / proton-3.7.5-beta

working like a charm