impossible to login
%command% --vulkan -windowed
the launcher asks you for your account-data or a steam/.. login.
the steam-login, etc open a white box for 3secs and dont work.
i was unable to find a way to register outside of the game.
the register screen in the launcher exists, but the textboxes are unselectable.

Oyuna girdiğinizde, giriş yapma penceresi hatalı oluyor. Bunun çözümünü anlattığım bir steam konum var. linki: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2668080/discussions/0/4633736682039953934/

Runs well (on Proton 9.0-4)
Mirrors on the maps have incorrect reflections.
I don't know why but rarely, if you slide your mouse to the left a bit (while clicking the left mouse button), it puts you on the desktop but does not crashes.
Sometimes, on battles, game stutters slightly.
However, as everyone noted, the login screen is broken and anything web related will not work (notices, web events etc.). Coop mode also works as well. I'm suprised that it did not needed any tweaks honestly.

gamemoderun %command%
Pantalla de inicio de sesión rota en modo de pantalla completa, para poder iniciar tu cuenta en KDE Plasma, aprieta la tecla súper(tecla con el logo de Windows) y ve al icono de del juego en la barra de tareas y dale clic derecho --> más --> desactiva pantalla completa

The game works great with Steam Proton after you pass the laggy login screen.
The browser window that uses to login and link accounts is very slow and no reliable at all, for now login with steam is the easiest way because I can't make an ASG account since it needs to be made ingame.
Coop mode worked great
Overall the game plays very well.
Some stuttering when entering new areas with new characters, probably generating shaders. Smooths out fairly quickly during normal play.
I didn't experience any of the previously-mentioned login problems, using borderless full screen and using Steam login.

SDL_VIDEODRIVER='' gamemoderun %command% --skip-launcher --vulkan -windowed
Took a lot of attempts, trying different version of protons and various custom parameters.

Login broken in full screen.
Easily solve by changing the monitor resolution while the game is open and wait for the monitor to return to its native resolution. Log in normally and go for it.

Plays wonderfully after you get past the login screen. Once I got into a level, it began stuttering but went away after loading shaders.
Huge improvement over ProtonGe9-14. The game doesn't crash immediately after starting a level.

Either the devs have been working on linux compatibility or its a coincidence, either way, I no longer need to do anything special to play the game. You may need to use gamescope or the previously mentioned "-screen-fullscreen 0 -popupwindow" launch option to login as I've noticed some black screens when the login and other windows appear on my intel based laptop. You can likely remove the command after unless you want to buy currency in game.

Fiz diversas customizações para atender os comandos do jogo. É uma delícia de mirar pelo analógico ou trackpad direito, talvez pelo fato do jogo parecer não ter recoil. Mas ainda não consegui mapear todas as ativações de skills das 3 operadoras que você controla, apesar de não ter sentido muita necessidade desses botões durante o jogo.
Não necessariamente uma janela secundária, mas a tela de login é bem chata de passar. Não lembro exatamente como resolvi, mas acho que o problema era não ter clicado em algum checkbox de aceite de termos que ficava escondido ou praticamente invisível.
É um ótimo jogo se quiser matar a vontade de atirar com o trackpad do Deck e 90 FPS. Tela de login foi chatinha e você usa muito o mouse ou touch para navegar nos menus, mas é satisfatório jogar.

Once the pain is over - the game plays very well. The question is whether the average gamer would get to that point...
Registration form was broken
All sorts of problems getting this game started.
Ultimately, the trick seems to have been;
Set the lauch options to:
gamescope -H 2160 --force-grab-cursor -F fsr -f -- ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SNOWBREAK/fix.sh %command%
Don't forget to update -H to your intended resolution, and to remove --fsr
if you're not using an applicable AMD card.
Also, you'll need to create a file called fix.sh (you can see where I put it in the command above) with the following content;
# Iterate through all arguments
for arg in "$@"; do
# Remove the substring "-steamapp" from each argument
# Add the modified argument to a new array
# Execute the command with the modified arguments
exec "${modified_args[@]}"
Don't forget to mark it as executable - now the game should launch.
Now, I couldn't create an account (I ended up doing that in windows) but once you have one don't forget to tick the very subtle "i agree" tickbox underneath the login button.

/home/username/fix.sh %command%
Add input labels, Alt+n controls
Without using a workaround, the game will always crash when trying to start a mission or cutscene.
Currently requires the workaround described by https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/7521#issuecomment-2307604405 Remember that the script must be set as executable and to use {} instead of ()

/path/to/script %command%
Close the Steam overlay interface and window the game.
/path/to/script %command%
protontricks 2668080 win7
Using full screen will cause the game to freeze on a black screen when opening.
The main reason I want to add this new report is to add information on how to make the notices content shows. "protontricks 2668080 win7", it's that simple... In addition, because the official encountered a major problem, customer service did not respond to my work order at all on Monday. I suspect that the repair may be delayed...

./snowpeak.sh mangohud gamemoderun %command%
protontricks: winecfg -> disable "Allow the window manager to decorate windows" and (only for login, disable later) "Allow the window manager to control the windows"
Game runs on Experimental and latest GE. There are problems with login screen and black screen, but it's manageable, I had to set window resolution manually "gamescope -W 1680 -H 1050 -- %command%" (you can remove it later after login) to see anything and disable steam overlay.
Also after setting up name game started crashing constantly, but after short research I was able to find fix here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2668080/discussions/0/4427688158476587798/?ctp=3
Basically, you need to create a script file in game directory that will remove "-steamapp" from every argument when steam starts game. Remember to set this file as an executable (if you are on KDE it's right click -> properties -> permissions)

New fix needed for 2.1 update or game will crash when attempting to watch story cutscenes or starting gameplay
fix.sh gamescope -b -W 1920 -H 1080 -- %command%
This post on the steam forums for the game describes a script that allows the game to work again
exec ${@//-steamapp//}
Creating this fix.sh file, placing it in the games install directory, marking it as executable, and adding it to your launch options will prevent the game from crashing when trying to watch story cutscenes or play combat missions.
gamescope seems to be required to "window" the game to allow the login screens to function on intel and amd graphics from my testing, on nvidia I need to use:
-screen-fullscreen 0 -popupwindow
as a launch option
Needed to downgrade to gamescope 3.14.24-1 as gamescope 3.14.29-1 does not lock the cursor during gameplay making the game unplayable.
Thanks to Arveter on the steam forums for discovering this fix. Wanted to post this here in hopes to help more people.

gamescope -W 1920 -H 1080 --force-grab-cursor $HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SNOWBREAK/fix.sh %command%
Fails to grab the mouse time to time
Gamescope is required for the initial launch, otherwise the registration window won't work.
After an update on August 22, 2024 the games needs -steamapps launch parameter removed to enter any battle stages (dorms and everything else worked as usual). The dirty hack solution is to run a script to remove that parameter (see https://steamcommunity.com/app/2668080/discussions/0/4427688158476587798/?ctp=3#c4427688336543268147). See the sample launch command for reference.
Works both with GE and Experimental.

/path/to/script %command%
Close the Steam overlay interface and window the game.
Using full screen will cause the game to freeze on a black screen when opening.
Basically, the same as I've reported in the past.
Basically, all my settings are the same as I've reported in the past. Except after the version 2.1 update, I temporarily applied the fix provided by kind people: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/7521#issuecomment-2307604405
Once the next business day comes, I'll mention this fix in the ticket I submit to official customer service... so maybe everything will change?

Before the 2.1 update, yes, most of the main gameplay cannot be performed normally at the moment, but the official should be able to fix it.
Close the Steam overlay interface and window the game (I use bspwm).
Using full screen will cause the game to freeze on a black screen when opening.
I didn't test gamescope because the window manager I use can directly make the window full screen... Even though I don't use gamescope, I'm glad someone can remind everyone that this command is only included in steamOS by default.
Basically, all my settings are the same as in my last report. Except after the 2.1 version update, as Simmons has reported, most of the combat and gameplay are inaccessible, so I can only use Auto-Clear to consume my presence these days. However, everything is normal in the Base and Healing Center.
I have already submitted a work order to official customer service...I just don’t know when the fix will be released...
Although most of the main gameplay currently cannot be played normally, I still report that it can be played normally... because I think the official should be able to fix it... at least they are obviously willing to fix it.

The game worked ok in 2.0 but in 2.1 it crashes when attempting any actual gameplay or story cutscenes. Menus and base seem to work fine.
gamescope -b -W 1920 -H 1080 -- %command%
I needed to use gamescope version 3.14.24-1, newest version of gamescope doesn't lock the mouse and made the game unplayable when it did work in 2.0. The other PC I play the game on also crashes now in version 2.1 (Intel CPU with RTX 3080).
Tried multiple proton versions:
GE, Experimental, 9.0-2 all allow the game to start, navigate the menus, explore the base, but crash when attempting to play any gamemode or watching story cutscenes.
8.0-5, 7.0-6, and 6.3-8 all start the game but after the first loading screen there's an error that says SDK initialization failed.

gamescope -W 1920 -H 1080 -f -r 144 -- %command%
Need to use Gamescope to have llogin menu run properly.
Mouse behaves as if the sensitivity was infinite, makes the camera turn around like crazy. Can play only thanks to the fact that I also have a controller which works fine.
The login menu even after activating gamescope is janky at best. Especially new account registration requires one to wait a bit for the fields to become active. It works though.

On windows there are shuttering when some new effects appear on the screen every level, on Linux they are there once and then they are gone
When the game is in full screen mode and the display turns off due to inactivity, the game freezes and has to be restarted.
On normal proton video in gacha banners do not work. When proton overlay is enabled the game does not start, making it necessary to support the game from windows or phone.
My previous bug report was most likely a game server issue because the next day it started working again as before.

Game does not start
Since the last update the game does not start. Nothing pops up even though steam shows that it is running. Previously it worked perfectly on the GE version.

gamescope -W 1920 -H 1080 -- %command%
Cannot log in when game is fullscreen
I'll say it here so no one else has the trouble that I did. Gamescope is only included on the steam deck for steamOS. You have to install it using a ppa on any other distro. Everyone on here just seems to assume that's a given but it really isn't. Once you have Gamescope installed you can use the above command to log in, and then afterwards play the game in fullscreen should you choose to do so.
Also make sure to disable steam overlay or the loading screens will hang.

Hard to login because of the buggy login page
Had some issues trying to login for the first time but managed to do it without any fix listed in this page but after login the game worked perfecly out of the box.
I also opened the in-game store and the purchase screen and my game stopped working after i canceled a purchase (steam overlay issue i think).

Not bad, but not easy to start playing
gamescope -W 1920 -H 1080 -- %command% and after login mangohud gamemoderun %command%
So, first I managed to log in with this launch parameter (gamescope -W 1920 -H 1080 -- %command%) because if I launched the game without it, I either got a black screen, or the login screen was flickering, and I couldn't click anywhere. After logging in, I closed the game. I changed the aforementioned launch parameter to mangohud gamemoderun %command%. The game then ran perfectly, but it crashes for me with the Proton Experimental version, so I use the GE-Proton9-6 version, which runs perfectly.
Copy and paste didn't work for password
It acts a little weird because for some reason the game is coded to use windows for things that should be UI elements, for example even the loading animation is it's own window. Not sure why the game is coded in this way, but it didn't cause too many issues. Mainily the login screen was a little scuffed but was functional besides copy and paste not working, and it had a blur effect around it from Hyprland. Same can be said for the loading screen windows, they work but have blur around them from Hyprland. This game is coded in a strange way seemingly. Also, I didn't experince any slow downs really like others reported just shader stutter I think, but the game was capped at 90 FPS likely a engine thing though

gamescope -W 1920 -H 1080 -f -r 144 -- gamemoderun %command%
With the latest kernel and updates, it does work but I can't say it's a particularly enjoyable experience. Really lacks smoothness to the gameplay, very stuttery despite high fps, gamescope mitigated it a little but still. Also some menus (mission select) aren't movable with the cursor for some reason, but the scroll wheel works.

log in fix: configuration menu in steam :proton Experimental OS:switch to desktop mode play:push play wait for the game to start if the log in screen is glitching then : optional : connect a keyboard and mouse in desk top mode, push the windows key to display your menu bar right click on the game icon on menu bar scroll to the option that says More deselect full-screen you will now be able to fill in the log in section after you have logged in for first time exit then restart to gaming mode
Enjoy the game.
if your not using keybord and mouse then make sure to add right mouse key to one of your bakc buttons
yes full screen needs to be disabled on first start up
only on first start up when needed to log in

Using full screen will cause the game to freeze on a black screen when opening.
- After starting the game for the first time and closing it, the game is stuck on a black screen when it is started again.
- When using Proton Experimental, cutscene videos and card pool videos display a black screen or a color bar screen like when a TV channel is turned off for a break.
- The notices content cannot be displayed.
- Make sure to turn off the Steam overlay interface. After launching the game for the first time, before closing the game, go to Settings > Graphics > Display > Windowed.
- When using GE-Proton9-4, the video is normal.
- Execute "protontricks 2668080 wmp11", the notices content will be displayed normally...but the video will become a white screen...
Solution 3 is not recommended... Just don't read the notices or go to the official website for read it... I hope someone can research how to fix it without side effects...

Completely unresponsive to keyboard, with broken login as well.
Gamescope and methods listed by other users didn't fix any of the problems, not even the basic keys (like Enter or Esc) are working and clicking on Steam login method opens up a blank window that disappears and nothing happens. Tested on XFCE and Hyprland with different Proton versions.

For login glitch fix on Snowbreak Play menu, press Settings(On right after controller logo) > Generals > Game Reso > Change to 1080p
After login exit that game and change to default back
Dont use google login, you wont can get pass through for security reasons. Use your Steam acc

Mouse cursor disappears during initial login page
As others have previously pointed out, there were some issues trying to log in to the game.
Although I didn't encounter any blackscreen or loading screen issues, I was not able to interact with the login section at all since my mouse cursor would disappear when hovering over it.
Switching over to ProtonGE fixed this, but it wasn't enough to solve my login issues entirely - I was still not able to interact with the textbox. I forced windowed mode through KDE Plasma's window management since it would revert back to fullscreen despite launching with Steam's launch options; and was finally able to log in.
Other than VN sections being noticeably choppy and the notice section being unable to load the game's news, the game runs perfectly fine without any more issues.

VN text seems to be very low fps
- if steam overlay is enabled, game will lock-up in the first loading screen
- the game's account login moves up and down a lot making it impossible to click / input anything, moving window to another display fixed it enough to login with steam
- there are some things which i think are CEF(Chromium) windows and so dont load

Some inputs must be remapped, and not every keyboard keys are usable. I think it's due to my french keyboard (azerty)
Using ProtonGE, I was able to log into my account after a few tries, I didn't have to install anything else.

Initial Login was troublesome, use wmctl do the trick
Install wmctrl first, depending on our linux distro, sudo apt install wmctrl
After Launch game shown some login: (you can also do this in ssh if you cannot switch between windows)
DISPLAY=:0 wmctrl -r "Snowbreak: Containment Zone" -b remove,fullscreen
DISPLAY=:0 wmctrl -r "Login" -b remove,fullscreen
Then I was able to click login with steam

-windowed -W 1920 -H 1080
Launching in window mode and proton GE resolved initial black screen issue.
For the first loading screen, it would occassionally get stuck (e.g. 7%, 20%) without further progress. Delete the In-Game Overlay Data (and also Disable Steam Overlay) resolved the stuck progress bar.
For first time log in
Install Protontricks
Open Snowbreak at least one time then open Protontricks
Choose Snowbreak. Press Ok for any winecfg update popups (does not actually update)
Select the default wineprefix
Run winecfg
In Wine configuration pop up, go to Graphics tab and uncheck "Allow the window manager to decorate windows" and "Allow the window manager to control the windows"
Press Ok, ok, then cancel to exit out
Launch Snowbreak, you should be able to log in
Workaround to login disables conventional escape from fullscreen (alt+tab) since game window always-on-top. After logging in, re-enable "Allow window manager to control the controls" to get back normal window behavior