Works when editing user.reg and adding KeyCode value like user Light Storm reports:
[Software\UL\3DMark] #time=1d85fd1e4952a78 "InstallId"="XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX" "KeyCode"="3DM-ICF-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"
Menu is a bit laggy

No combination of launch parameters allows any benchmarks to load
Previous comment vdf modification
The VDF config worked for activating with the CD key, but selecting any benchmark (aside from the storage benchmark) says that no DX11 or Vulkan GPU detected, and that the display in use is not connected to the graphics card (but it is, and I have no integrated graphics), also mentions PCI bandwidth. The more modern benchmarks that let you select the rendering device and rendering backend show no devices or backends (blank white boxes that wont expand)

To add the CD key, that worked for me:
In the install folder (Right click > Manage > Browse Local Files) there's a file called installscript.vdf
Edit it and add the following to the registry section:
"KeyCode" "<YOUR KEY HERE>"

3DMark is simply unusable on linux now.
No way to add a CD key anymore, the previous tricks we used to run it vanished from the user.reg

Tried to add CD-KEY but my user.reg was A) in a different folder and had no [Software\\UL\\3DMark]
Tried the following - Steam does not add CD-keys for Advanced Edition automatically. To add the CD-keys, go to steamapps/compatdata/223850/pfx/user.reg and search for:
[Software\UL\3DMark] #time=1d85fd1e4952a78 "InstallId"="XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX"
Replace placeholders with your keys.
I had NO [Software\UL\3DMark] 1651680809 in my user.reg
so tried adding it -
[Software\UL\3DMark] 1651680809 #time=1d85fd1e4952a78 "InstallId"="XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX" "KeyCode"=""
at the end of the file but that did nothing.
It's dead Jim as it stands

Changes between tests needs virtual desktop in wayland.
Some benchmarks, like DX12 ones, not working.
Needs edit user.reg forr add your license. No all benchmarks works. Transition between benchmarks with wayland needs virtual desktop.

d3dcompiler_43 d3dcompiler_47
I could run
- Port Royal
- Time Spy
- Fire Strike
- Night Raid
- Sampler Feedback feature test
- DirectX Raytracing feature test
I could not run:
- Night Raid
- Solar Bay
- Steel Nomad
Proton 9.0-1 could not run Port Royal. Port Royal runs in Proton Experimental. Time Spy has frequent texture glitches and occasional freezes. SystemInfo does not work.
Steam does not add CD-keys for Advanced Edition automatically. To add the CD-keys, go to steamapps/compatdata/223850/pfx/user.reg and search for:
Replace placeholders with your keys.

gamemoderun %command%
Could not run dx12 or vulkan benchmarks, dx11 like Firestrike work though
Cannot gather system info
As mentioned already by a user below, you can activate 3DMark by adding the corresponding entries in ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/223850/pfx/user.reg
The activation keys can be found at https://www.3dmark.com/settings
[Software\\UL\\3DMark] 1716502928
not all tests are running, activation codes are no added automatically
I could run
Night Raid (Score: 15085)
Fire Strike (Score: 3025)
I could not run
Wild Life
Port Royale
Go to steamapps/compatdata/223850/pfx/user.reg and search for:
Replace placeholders with your keys. You can find your keys on your windows PC regedit after launching on the PC for the first time under:

Doesn't work
Couldn't fetch System Info. Loads only Basic Version because it doen't register license code. Therefore benchmarking is not possible.

Not of use, no link to hardware possible
as of now, 3DMark cannot get hardware information, so it cannot be tested. But the menus and stuff run perfect

could not save results of tests
can't run timespy
no systeminfo,timespy can't run but firefox test worked fine

VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr11,dxr VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL=12_2 %command% -vulkan
Intel Arc A770 performance on Fire Strike Extreme benchmark significantly lower than on Windows. Not sure about
Most benchmarks are broken.
List of the ones that start:
- Fire Strike
- Night Raid
- DirectX Raytracing feature test
- Mesh Shader feature test
- PCI Express feature test
- VRS feature test

no systemInfo, not all tests are running, activation codes are no added automatically
I could run
- Night Raid (Score: 13902)
- Fire Strike (Score: 3078)
I could not run
- Wild Life
- Time Spy
To add the activation codes:
Go to steamapps/compatdata/223850/pfx/user.reg
and search for:
Replace placeholders with your keys. You can find your keys on your windows PC regedit under:
or on the 3dmark-webpage

no systemInfo, not all tests are running, CD-keys is no add automatically
I could run
- Night Raid (Score: 13902)
- Fire Strike (Score: 3078)
I could not run
- Wild Life
- Time Spy
To add the CD-key:
Go to steamapps/compatdata/223850/pfx/user.reg
and search for:
Replace placeholders with your keys. You can find your keys on your windows PC regedit under:
or on the 3dmark-webpage
%command% --use-gl=osmesa

no systemInfo
I could run
- Night Raid (Score: 13902)
- Fire Strike (Score: 3078)
I could not run
- Wild Life
- Time Spy
- CPU Profil (Time Spy)
To add the CD-key:
Go to steamapps/compatdata/223850/pfx/user.reg
and search for:
Replace placeholders with your keys. You can find your keys on your windows PC regedit under:
or on the 3dmark-webpage
It did try but never ran the first part (system info gathering)
3DMark is starting and can be used in main window / but DX11+DX12 Benchmarks not working. also system data collection is not working at all
no benchmark possible
TimeSpy won't run, FireStrike and NightRaid worked fine
Was not able to properly register Advanced Edition, so results are somewhat limited

Added CD key to steamapps/compatdata/223850/pfx/user.reg, to get the "Advanced Edition".
[Software\UL\3DMark] 1651680809 #time=1d85fd1e4952a78 "InstallId"="ed4ae013-8b2e-48e1-a662-38a68edba9fb" "KeyCode"="" Replace with your actual CD key.
DX12, Vulkan, and CPU benchmarks fail. DX11 benchmark (Firestrike) works fine.
systeminfo is useless and can be disabled. DX11 + Vulkan + CPU benchmarks won't run
couldn't get results. just fails
Night Raid is the only benchmark I was able to run, but it did work without any modifiers. Performance seems in line with the Ryzen 6800U which the 6850U is based on.
Game does not pull activation keys. Did not try modifying.
Only ran Fire Strike, which ran with no issues or env variables at all, just Proton Experimental.
Stuck at the starting up menu where it collects system data
Doesn't work, there are some other native linux performance tests but not as high quality
Just gives me a white screen.
Launches, but benchmarks won't run
%command% --use-gl=osmesa
Added CD key to steamapps/compatdata/223850/pfx/user.reg, to get the "Advanced Edition".
[Software\\UL\\3DMark] 1651680809
Replace with your actual CD key.
With the registry hack you can get it to launch properly, but the benchmarks will try for a while to get system information, then fail.
no proton version worked, didnt work in steamos or desktop

installs, workarounds described here do not work... with ProtonGE getting the furthest but still white screen
%command% --use-gl=osmesa
as 3dmark is the defacto standard to benchmark systems for decades i would really like to see it working with stock steam!
gamemoderun PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command% --use-gl=osmesa
Time Spy won't run, and he doesn't see that i have a paid version of 3DMark, runs only in Demo mode / 3DMark Basic Edition.
Works up until you actually want to benchmark
PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command% --use-gl=osmesa
Using the arguements, 3DMark will get past the blank GUI. Sadly, it does not activate and you'll be stuck with the 3 demo benchmarks. Selecting a benchmark will be a little laggy but you can still select one. Time Spy doesn't work, Fire Strike gets to the loading screen but will not finish loading, and I haven't tested Night Raid yet.

I guess compatibility for Time Spy is still a work in progress. Firestrike & Night Raid are good enough for comparitive benchmarking for now
%command% --use-gl=osmesa
Got some slight lag in the menu when selecting a benchmark to run. Didn't effect the benchmark run itself
This is the Demo version of 3Dmark: Firestrike & Night Raid run fine, Time Spy fails with the following:
D3DCompile2() fullscreen_rectangle failed: no filename:3:9: E5013: Invalid semantic 'SV_VertexID'. (HRESULT: -2147467259)
Note that Steam's Proton 7.0-1, Proton Experimental, and GE-Proton7-9 were tried, all with the same results.
%command% --use-gl=osmesa will get one past any white screen problems at startup.
PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 option is only relevant for users with NVidia GPUs.
Only displays a white/blank screen. 3DMark will not run.
Upon launching 3DMark, you will see the inital splash screen as normal. However, only a blank white screen is displayed, and you cannot do anything.
3DMark shows only white on the screen.

3D seems to inialy load and start. The Window comes up, but neither GUI nor evean a background loads.
The window stays white, even over extendet times (15min). Tested atuomatic launch, es well as forced 64 and 32 bit mode, but no diference. Game Files are valid and up to date.

6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command% --use-gl=osmesa
3DMark Advanced did not get activated
only about 16k instead of 18 in FireStrike UI is a bit slow, but still ok
Had to launch it in Force 64bit mode and SysInfo did not work at all, but Score was still valid, System Monitoring also didn't work (instead of FPS)
I used “PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command% --use-gl=osmesa“ to get into the menu, but fails on lauchn benchmark

6.18-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
- Install 3DMark
- Launch 3DMark with Proton
- Make Sure 3DMark is not running!!
- sh 3DMarkReg.sh "Key" "~/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/223850/pfx/user.reg" - Remember to change the path to reflect your system
- Add Steam Launch option "PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command% --use-gl=osmesa"
- Enjoy!!
OneDrive Link to 3DMarkReg.sh https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvJmukQ3H21_hu5yYJL_TihZ9PR0kw?e=pKTvf9
Some DX12 Benchmarks will run others won't.. 3DMark is has some GUI issues but it will run just wait for it

Got to the menu, can't run demos
I used "PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command% --use-gl=osmesa
" to get into the menu, but fails on "Collecting System Info"

Runs with Launch Options and forced 64-Bit Mode
You have to add "PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command% --use-gl=osmesa" as Launch Option and start it from Library, to get the Choice for "force 64-Bit". Then it runs (again, at the moment). backgroundinfo: osmesa is required for rendering the WebGL stuff in the Menu ...
If the formatting changes again, it is double minus before the use (- -) e.g. --use-gl=osmesa