gamescope -W 2560 -H 1440 -r 180 -f --hdr-enabled -- env DXVK_HDR=1 %command%
Everything works great out of the box. No tinkering needed.
During one specific boss fight in my first 8 hours I had my frames drop to single digits otherwise 10/10 performance


Game works flawless without any launch options, i have these set as default so i dont have to change them for each game since they are ~universal(sometimes helps with Nvidia issues)

Lag spices in scenes with a lot of particles makes the game unplayable in cruical scenes (e.g. boss fights)
prime-run %command%
Scenes with a lot of particles (or when the other player dies) cause laggs (1-3 fps) for a few seconds after which the game runs smoothly again.
Under Windows the game runs completely fine even with higher graphic settings
Great game, on my system only enjoyable under windows :( This could be a result of the dual GPU setup as many other players don't seem to experience this issue.

Works amazing right away. No tweaks needed. Almost through the entire game with a friend online through steam servers. Not a single issue.
Used Steam Servers

Runs out of the box, the online coop via Steam also works perfectly. No problems of any kind.
Everything runs smoothly, try it!
Sometimes crashes when disconnecting a controller.

gamemoderun %command%
A bit of stuttering during some scenes
I had major stuttering and frame drops and when trying HDR using gamescope, ended up disabling it and it ran a lot better.

This game works very well on Steam Deck with default launch settings (default proton). Gets around 36-40 stable fps with High graphics configuration. Minor fps drops on some cinematics (rarely). External controllers works with no problem.
Everything works out of the box

No issue, works great straight out of the box

i downloaded the friends pass version and worked for 2.5 hours with no crash

Worked out of the Box
My wife and I played split screen co-op in a 5.6 hour session last night with no issues. I didn't have to enable Proton manually, although Steam is set to force Proton 9 in the compatibility settings. I had one hiccup on startup, right after you have to accept the EA agreement. I just started the game again after that, and it's been working flawless since, so far.
DXVK_HDR=1 gamescope -f -W 5120 -H 1440 --hdr-enabled --force-grab-cursor -- %command%
gamemoderun %command%
Played the friends pass with someone on Windows and it worked perfectly

Reduce the graphics since this game will eat up 8GB of VRAM quite fast and this will induce stutering.
Just considerer your hardware when playing, reduce some graphical settings when playing with under 8GB of VRAM i got i access to the game by playing through Friend Pass.

Works great!
I did not buy the game, I am playing the "Friend Pass" version and being invited by a friend on Windows and playing in the EA App.

SteamDeck=1 MANGOHUD=1 gamemoderun %command%
Installed with Steam as "Play Split Fiction - Friend's Pass", was able to be invited without any issues. Tested with keyboard and mouse.
Not a single crash within 4.6 hours, just one or two very short freezes, which my co-op partner also had on Windows.

Launched with SteamDeck verified status. Can personally conclude that this game runs very well on linux.
Game crashed at first launch before the main menu. Second launch was perfect, no bugs, glitches & etc.
Worked Out of the box

Tested as much as I could given the game was just released. All seems to work fine so far.
Using Nvidia 4070Ti on Wayland