Rarely the audio bugged after resuming the game from steam deck sleep mode. Exiting from a level and then restarting it will fix the issue.
The game is enjoyable even though sometimes it crashes while browsing the skill menu.
initial cutscene and videos explaining how the moves are in game are not displayed correctly
the first time you enter in each boss room and sometimes while browsing the skill menu
Do not disable vsync, the game will start crashing and become unplayable
Unfortunately, due to occasional crashes and on top of everything the stuttering while loading the areas make the game nearly umplayable.
Frequently stuttering while loading each area
When in full screen mode and it happens, the only way to close the game is to shut down the computer
the game sometimes lags, especially in wide areas
especially in wide areas, the game fps drops below 60
I loved the game, I did manage to finish it even if not running always at 60 fps. In the end game boss fights I was forced to lower graphics to not have too many frame drops.