Lower frames per second than normal.
it is now working and running. However, I did encounter some missing textures in certain areas, as well as minor ghosting/artifacts that occasionally appear during gameplay. Does require very mild tinkering (forced experimental).
mangohud %command%

LD_PRELOAD="" %command%
Now the game starts in seconds with latest experimental proton, but the game itself feels less smooth than earlier
With latest Proton experimental game starts in seconds, not 30+ minutes than earlier, but game itself feels now less smooth. With fullscreen settings it still seems to be pretty playable.

Menu will not load
Loads into a black screen, menu does not load.

freezes when loading menu
game launches, does not load to menu will freeze/hang.

gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Leaving fullscreen requires one to Alt-Tab TWICE! (Gnome)
Small freezes during combat and when game is loading new chunks of the world.
Long loadingscreen to get into the character selection screen.
Can take 10 to 20 minutes to enter the game.
During high loads, game can kick you out to character selection screen.
Overall it's a fun Builder / Gatherer / Skillup game.

See my previuous.. Game start....
Updated setup details to previus, machine details were wrong if that matters..

The game itself runs pretty well, but menu load at first time.........................
I have average powered laptop, the gamemenu took still approx 15-20min (no joke!!) to start!! The game itself runs pretty well, at least compared time before update, but you will need cow's nerves to get in the game!

Assuming you can put up with the game as it is on windows and the long loading screens, you'll get an equivalent experience.
gamemoderun %command%
The FSR3 setting doesn't work on linux, as such it needs to be disabled in the settings. Go to your steam library folder where you have the game installed from there: steamapps>compatdata>1995520>pfx>drive_c>users>steamuser>AppData>Local>PaxDei>Saved>Config>WindowsClient>GameUserSettings.ini Once you've opened the file change UpscalingMethod=FSR3.0 to UpscalingMethod=TSR and save the file. I suspect you might be able to change it to DLSS instead if you have an nvidia card (I do not). Save the file and you should after a bit beable to get into the menu (the game still takes really long to load). Everything else once you are in the game seems to be working, including the map, which didn't work before. If you do no change this setting the game will hang when you try to load in. Loading screens still take a very long time like others have mentioned, however the map and ui elemnts seem to be fixed on linux now (at least as fixed as they are on windows lol).
Game takes a really long time in loading screens
Don't worry about the long load times, it took me like 5+ minutes to load in on a very fast PC.
Very slow to initially load (several minutes) and most menus are slow coming up as well.
The map occasionally comes up correctly. Previously, it would consistently hang and boot me back to character select when I tried to bring it up.
Lag during combat was, literally, painful.
Right after my previous report, Proton Experimental had an update and now runs this game as well (previously I could only get it to run in Proton GE). If this progress keeps up, this game should be playable soon!
Very slow to initially load (several minutes) and most menus are pretty slow coming up as well.
Crashed whenever I tried to bring up the in-game map
Lag during combat was, literally, painful.
While this title is still not playable by a typical gamer, the development team has definitely made some progress. For those of us really excited about the concept of this game, this is a promising development. I've definitely enjoyed it even in its current state. Keep it up, Mainframe!

The game feels laggy and often crashes, and a game that you need the map, for you to be unable to use it, essentially makes it unplayable.
Opening Map, drops back to character select. Slow loading into game. Slow opening menus on first open after logging in.
Opening map, dropping to character select. Frequently having to start the loading process on character select, only for it to fail loading in. Compared to windows, the Proton version seems to be limited to very few threads.
The experience between Windows and Linux is massive at the time of writing. I hope it improves.

Lots of Freezing when Opening Menus/Kicks to Login page
Opening Menus can freeze the game long enough to kick you out of multiplayer

PROTON_LOG=1 %command%
The version of easy anti cheat this game uses crashes modern glibc making it software render. (long load times, extended 0 fps hitches while playing)
Loads can lead to booting back to character select.
This game is in Early Access and is using an older version of easy anti cheat that works in windows but breaks glibc on modern linux installations. (glibc 2.39 as of this post)

Sometimes the syncronization between the cursor and the game is sucks. This is happens after an alt+tab.
Freezing for some reason, especially when you try to open the things at first time in the game, example a Map.
No issues with the anticheat, just install the anticheat in the steam (tools) and you can play.
Currently broken in Proton
Worked previously but currently hangs on load. Proton issue here for tracking: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/7846

Game is worthless with EAC. EAC produces crashes to char select with notices EAC is not functioning. Game takes too long to load.
Would not reccomend as long as dev continues use of EAC, unlessd EAC is fixed.

You might be able to walk around for 30 seconds before the anticheat kicks you
Game loads very slow and sometimes hangs on the loading screens

mangohud gamemoderun %command%
Trying to open the map can get you sent back to the character select screen, not sure if this is Linux/WINE related or if that happens on Windows as well.
Long loading times, and occassional FPS freezes. Not sure if this is Linux/WINE related or if it happens on PC as well.
Opening the map can get you sent back to character select. Occasional FPS Freezes. Long loading times. Not sure if these are related to Linux/WINE or if it happens on Windows as well

Game actually ran about as well as on Windows, but any time there was a loading screen it was maybe 10 minutes long.
Intro video was missing, some icons in-game were missing.
Game takes an extremely long time to load to the first menu, then an extremely long time to load to the character selection, then an extremely long time to load into the world.

Sadly, no worky...
Takes several minutes to load and then comes up with a black screen with a mouse cursor.

Really Long Load times because the loading hangs up for 1-10mins. . Changing to Proton 9.0-2 made it a bit better
If i try to open Map or Inventory i get a freeze and get thrown back to lobby
The long load times are one thing, but getting thrown back to menu when opening the Map because it shortly hangs up the loading the Server throws you back thinking i have a disconnect

Game often has large FPS drop about 10 seconds after logging into character, partially resolved by setting DLSS to "off"
Numerous bugs related to Alpha Build of the game.
Proton 9.0 (Beta) can run the game okay, I had to set DLSS to "off" to improve performance

Game is on Apha 2 stage, it's same on Windows
Game is on Apha 2 stage, it's same on Windows
Game is on Apha 2 stage, it's same on Windows
Game is on Apha 2 stage, but looks very promising!
Worked great in the previous Beta, now doesn't even start
Seems like the developer dorked with something that broke Proton compatibility...
DX12 not supported by your system(
Try all protons - doesn't work.
Running launcher.exe cause segfault.
Try to run in clear wine64, in Protons 8, 9, Experimentsl - doesn't run.