Crashes 5 seconds after start in Ubuntu 22.04
Worked great in the previous Beta, now doesn't even start
Seems like the developer dorked with something that broke Proton compatibility...
Currently broken in Proton
Worked previously but currently hangs on load. Proton issue here for tracking: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/7846
Very slow to initially load (several minutes) and most menus are pretty slow coming up as well.
Crashed whenever I tried to bring up the in-game map
Lag during combat was, literally, painful.
While this title is still not playable by a typical gamer, the development team has definitely made some progress. For those of us really excited about the concept of this game, this is a promising development. I've definitely enjoyed it even in its current state. Keep it up, Mainframe!
Very slow to initially load (several minutes) and most menus are slow coming up as well.
The map occasionally comes up correctly. Previously, it would consistently hang and boot me back to character select when I tried to bring it up.
Lag during combat was, literally, painful.
Right after my previous report, Proton Experimental had an update and now runs this game as well (previously I could only get it to run in Proton GE). If this progress keeps up, this game should be playable soon!
Update on July 22nd Broke the Game :(
There was an update to Anti-Cheat which seems to have caused the problem. Log excerpts: "Error: SetRegionRoomKey is Fail" "Validation from game server failed" "Error: LogEOSAntiCheat: [AntiCheatClient] EOS_AntiCheatClient_EndSession: No session is active."