Works out of the box
I played the entire campaign without issues
Reduce GPU Clock to 700-800
DirectX Runtime pops at first launch. Just tap cancel.
Has lots of freezing and hitches without any Proton compatility
Plays great and even supports 16:10 aspect ratio
Doesn't start with Proton 6.3-7
Grass bug, works fine otherwise.
Missing grass. Windows fix of setting UseHardwareTL=True to False in EiB.ini did not work.
Game runs fine, out of the box
During installation, the DirectX installation failed, but this doesn't stopped the game to work On the first run, the window aren't locking the mouse inside game window, but on second it was.
You can find FOV settings somewhere here:
steamapps/compatdata/15190/drive_c/users/steamuser/applicationdata/Gearbox software/User.ini

Game runs fine and without any issues just like Road to Hill 30, I highly recommend you to increase the FOV to make the game more playable on modern machines. Check for a guide online, user game config is located in steamapps/compatdata/19800/drive_c/users/steamuser/applicationdata/Gearbox software.

everything works fine out of the box, no issues

DirectX installation fails, says not compatible with this version of windows. But seems to be OK after this, unlike an earlier review, it did launch. Starting the game again it no longer complains. In game otherwise seems the same as the first game, Road to Hill 30.

No issues. All works fine. There's no multiplayer option (old game) but can create LAN games. Story mode was played in maximum resolution (1920x1080) and the voices, music and effects are clear.

First time running directx will complain not compatible, then game wont start - eib.exe gets stuck in processes, just kill the eib.exe then exit out of steam client, then load game again no issues after that.