Wine, Proton, and Steam Deck are not supported by this application!
The program encountered E111000B at 00002111 during initialization. Wine, Proton, and Steam Deck are not supported by this application!

EA Anti Cheat
Borked since may. Bummer since it performed better on linux
Borked! EA anticheat does not let the game launch.
Borked! I got error says steam deck steam os and proton not supported The previous rally games as dirt 4 or dirt rally 2.0 work OOTB!

EA Anticheat: Wine, Proton, and Steam Deck are not supported by this application!
"The program encountered E111000B at 00001E83 during initialization. Wine, Proton, and Steam Deck are not supported by this application!"

EA Anticheat: Wine, Proton, and Steam Deck are not supported by this application!
Game doesn't start. The win like window with the error appears: "The program encountered E111000B at 00001E83 during initialization. Wine, Proton, and Steam Deck are not supported by this application!"

EA Anticheat: Wine, Proton, and Steam Deck are not supported by this application!
"The program encountered E111000B at 00001E83 during initialization. Wine, Proton, and Steam Deck are not supported by this application!"
Anti-cheat ruined this game. ProtonDB please update the rating accordingly.

Anti-cheat blocks you from playing
Do not listen to the rating, that's outdated, it is completely and irreperably broken now.
Fucken ea with dem anticheats

How is this still Gold?

Unable to launch
EA kernel level anti-cheat kills wine support

FUCK and I cannot stress this enough, EA
I haven't tried the guide yet but im damn well gonna

EA's new kernel-level anti-cheat has made it so it is impossible to run this game, even though it worked perfectly fine before.
EA proving yet again they hate their customers.
After 1.9 update game doesn't start. Screw you EA.

EA Anticheat added, now get dialog explicitly stating WIne Proton and Steam Deck not supported
IT's EA, why was I surprised?

Great! They added a kernel level anticheat and officially borked the game.
9 months later after launch they barely optimized the game but added a questionable anticheat, making impossible to play under Linux. Thanks EA.

EA Anti Cheat. Game refuses to start with an arror asying that Wine/Proton/Steam Deck are unsupported
mangohud %command%
Optimising game contrast in cockpit view
It was nice while it lasted
EA added a kernel level anti-cheat making the game completely unplayable
Using GE Proton9-7, able to play the game in career mode very well. Was surprised as EA announced kernel level anti cheat for this title.

anticheat only works on PROtonGE etc...

Seems there may be some unfrequent scenarios where it freezes probably because a bug in the nvidia driver (Xid error), but it's very rare at least now with this version of nvidia driver and proton
Worked well with T300RS, TH8A and a local provider of handbrake of my country based on arduino

EA is adding their anticheat which kills Linux support
Since the anticheat doesnt support Linux this is yet another game they retroactively killed for all linux users great job assholes

Works mostly fine now but they are adding EA anticheat with the next update which will kill the game on Linux systems.
"Additionally, EA SPORTS™ WRC will not run on the native Steam OS for Steam Deck following the release of EA anticheat.
EA SPORTS™ WRC has officially been categorised as "Unsupported" on Steam Deck since its release in 2023."

Been meaning to try Richard Burns Rally out anyway
If EA really had the best security engineers on the planet, the patron saints of anti cheat must work on Helldivers and The Finals which allow Linux

EA anticheat soon: game broken
"Additionally, EA SPORTS™ WRC will not run on the native Steam OS for Steam Deck following the release of EA anticheat."

mangohud %command%
Microstuttering when GPU limited under 150 FPS.
mangohud %command%

Can be played normally without using GE, but I get more FPS with GE

Great Rally game
Works out of the box including multiplayer.

Used CryoUtilities. Unclear if performance is worse without it but generally it does help so I do recommend it.
Set TDP to 10 if required and set a frame limit of around 50
The game is slow to load levels. Bootup is fast but loading up stages can take longer than expected for an NVMe SSD.
Despite any bugs the game may have (I didn't experience any but many people have), the game runs in a stable manner and it really is as simple as just downloading and playing.

2560x1440, DLSS Quality, High settings, Motion blur off. 80-120 FPS. Mostly around 100fps. Places with lots of crowd on the side of the road can drop down to 80fps. Logitech G920 is detected and working nicely as well as my Arduino Handbreak. Multiplayer Clubs work with zero issues also. No crashes during my ~86 hours of playing this. There are few minor shader stutters when you update your gpu drivers and the cache hasnt built up yet. Seems like they forgot to include the car damage shaders from the pre-compile list as everything else is smooth, but when car is taking few scratches it can stutter a bit if the cache hasnt built up yet.

Changed to 45 FPS lock, set all settings to ultra low, disabled motion blur
I disabled resoution scaling, enabled ultra low weather/fog, disabled Anti aliasing and set aniso filtering to the lowest (that isn't off). The game runs smoothy at a near constant 45FPS, and it looks good. There's a bit of a weird "shimmer" to some bumpy textures but this is also the case on native gaming PC.

This game just runs, no issues lauching. Multiplayer works, but the graphics even on ultra isnt great. But the game is enjoyable.
After patch 1.3.0 i switched to proton 8.0-4, before then i had it on experimental. I left it on 8.0-4 even after 1.4.0 patch and it works with no issues. steering wheel support is great, used the g920 with gear shifter and it picked up the preset and works well.

There are still few minor stutters on new stages, even though the new patch includes pre-compile. Other than that no crashes or slowdowns during my ~23 hours of playing. 2560x1440, DLSS Quality, High settings, Motion blur off. 70-120 FPS. Mostly around 100fps. Places with lots of crowd on the side of the road can drop down to 70fps. Logitech G920 is nicely detected and my Chinese Arduino Handbreak is detected and working well. Using ENABLE_VKBASALT=1 as an extra to give the game more sharper look with dlsSharpness = 0.4. As well as Engine.ini tweak to disable bloom and tone the colors a bit to get rid of some of the yellow tint the game has. Tweaks used: https://pastebin.com/N6Dud0qe

Works good with (at the moment) slight performance problems. But nothing to bad, its is playable.
At the beginning I often have stuttering. Driving like the first sector and than restart the race solves it in most cases for me. Not as it should be (especially not with the HW used), but there are performance patches announced for PC, so that will hopefully be fixed soon.
Have only played offline mode with gamepad (xbox elite).

Surely EA will furnish some patch in future
Game is a bit slow, I obtain ~~ 60 - 65fps on a 75hz monitor with graphic detail high not ultra. I'm sure EA will furnish some patch in future, I think also in Windows there are some graphical problems duo game youth.

2560x1440, DLSS Quality, High settings, Motion blur off. 70-120 FPS. Logitech G920 works perfectly as well. Few minor shader related stutters when starting a new stage.

Crashes every time during startup at EA logo if Fanatec CSL DD connected when using regular Proton
Some stuttering here and there, which seems to be a "feature" of this game currently. FPS is mostly ok.
Game seems to works fine without tinkering with Proton for me, unless using a Fanatec CSL DD. In that case it crashes during startup when wheel is connected, unless specific Proton-GE versions are used. GE-Proton8-20 and -21 works for me, -22 does not. Regular proton (stable and experimental) does not work.
With the right Proton version it works absolutely fine, except for the small performance issues mentioned.

Works fine out of the box
The game is running fine out of the box. During driving there are accasional stutters of framerate, but this is because game is not yet optimized as it should be.
Tried most of the offline modes, did not try online. Playing with PS4 controller.