Frames limited to 40, TDP on 8
Very poor performance makes this game completely unplayable at higher settings and lower settings are almost unplayable.
Extremely poor performance across all settings. At the bare minimum settings, I was achieving about 20 fps at 1080p.
The game may randomly crash before reaching the "Made with Unity" splash screen but is otherwise stable after that point.
Graphical settings do not persist between launches. I do not know if this is a game issue or a Proton issue.
At the minimum settings, object pop-in is an extreme issue, making it very difficult to see the objective until you quite literally run into it. I believe this is likely an issue with the game instead of Proton.
Game worked without problems out of the box
At one spot the game detects if you make noise when you there is a microphone connected. Don't know if it works because I do not have a microphone to test with (it is not required to play the game).