--AUTH_LOGIN=unused -AUTH_PASSWORD=901dbe79901dbe79901dbe79901dbe79 -AUTH_TYPE=exchangecode -epicapp=2939f4752d4b4ace95a8e1b16e79d3f5 -epicenv=Prod -EpicPortal -epicusername="Arbys" -epicuserid=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -epiclocale=en-US WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winhttp=n,b" %command%
7-17 unable to work as perivous ones are GEs before the usable are gone entirly
Works perfectly out of the box. I will never forgive Epic for buying Harmonix and causing this great game to get delisted
Addendum to previous report, please see the final section (Concluding notes) for information
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winhttp=n,b" %command%
Concluding Notes
- Now that the servers are dead, multiplayer is impossible to do with a vanilla setup. However, there is currently, at the time of writing, an attempt to at least restore some server functionality.
- ReFUSED is easy enough to setup and although it only allows for very basic functions (logins, mix sharing, profile search), it's enough at least to bring back some functionality.
- It SHOULD be noted that the server is currently in testing and may not be up all the time. However, if you are able to run your own instance of the server, you can use that in lieu of the default ReFused server.
- One must navigate to the following on Steam Deck/Linux to follow the mod dev's instructions: steam > steamapps > compatdata > 1331440 > pfx > drive_c > users > steamuser > Appdata > Local > Fuser > Saved > Config > WindowsNoEditor > game.ini
- Searching the unofficial Fuser discord (link can be found on the /r/fusergame subreddit on the customs spreadsheet), a brief search yields an answer to my woes from last time. I'm going to be posting this in this addendum to help spread the word while also being frustrated at myself for not thinking of trying that sooner.
- The steps to installing the custom songs mod is practically the same as Windows, however, there is one step that is needed: Run the game under GE-Proton7-17 as well as the launch command laid out above, this will allow for the custom songs mod to be loaded.
- Unfortunately, I do not know WHY later versions do not work or why Valve's Proton doesn't work with the mod (as in, the mod fails to load).
- This information was sourced from the Unofficial Fuser Discord, I don't know if specific people wish to be named so I'll be leaving them anonymous out of courtesy.
- With using a different GE-Proton version comes with a new round of testing, and it seems that, much like the previous report, cutscenes load in perfectly fine. It does appear that the cutscenes are now using the proper dubs (albeit I only tested in English so I cannot say for certain). Game loads in perfectly too and with the custom songs mod, the custom songs load into the campaign fine too!
Text can be a tad grainy, no idea what's causing the issues.
- Initial testing shows that FUSER now works fine on Steam Deck, although it cannot hold 60 FPS at default settings, so cranking the graphics down is advised.
- Cutscenes now play but it seems like the campaign cutscenes are using the wrong dubs. In-game campaign dubs play just fine, however.
- Freestyle is playable, as always.
- Modding for this game is a complete headache, I have been unable to apply the custom song loader despite multiple attempts to tell Proton to use the DLL Override. Hopefully someone will be able to come up with a solution for modding this game as all posted solutions on the FUSER subreddit (r/fusergame) has not borne fruit in my case. This could just be a unique situation to me and other people may be able to apply mods just fine.
- It should be noted that multiplayer will become irrelevant soon due to the servers sunsetting at this time of writing, unless someone manages to mod the game to re-enable multiplayer functionality.
Fuser is enjoyable, but I really wish I had more than 5 minutes before the game would crash.
Consistently the game will eventually freeze and stop receiving inputs. The game audio will continue to play to whatever mix you currently have, but otherwise the game will no longer operate.
As other mentioned, you may install mf-fix to help with issues. I haven't tried it myself as I'm waiting until Steam releases their support of Media Foundation.
6.12-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
The only issue is that cutscenes pick a dub at random, but subtitles are still in the selected language All in game audio is dubbed correctly
The game has no performance issues but is at the end of the day unplayable due to random freezes during gameplay.
6.10-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Audio in cutscenes are the wrong language. It would randomly pick a language, the only one I could recognize was German, but I know it was different every time. Actual audio dialogue from the same character in game was English though.
The game would regularly freeze during a level, no specific trigger for it that I could tell but it would always happen to the point I could not get past the first level on Proton.
Upon using the Media Foundation fix recommended by other the game would immediately crash upon launch.
FUSER uses MF for the intros and the cutscenes when you start and finish a stage. The game wouldn't work using the GE patches - when I had tried it with that, it had shown test bars in place of the developer logos and the game intro wouldn't load or let me skip. I had to use an earlier version from Steam and then use mf-install from here: https://github.com/z0z0z/mf-install
Once that was configured, the cutscenes played and I was able to play the game.
Tried online by watching a co-op freestyle session. Worked perfectly fine.
Game crashes before first cutscene
Launching the game with a clean prefix skippes all intro videos and lets you customize your character, after that the first cutscene should play but it just hangs there.
Tried installing mf-install as other suggested. Intro videos play but then the game crashes with a Fatal Error popup.
Also tried with Proton-GE (Which should have mf fixes baked in) and it hangs before the first cutscene
installing and running with the latest version of proton in steam works fine, but the game will hang the first time it tries to play video. kill it, and use mf-install on the generated proton prefix, and then it should work perfectly.
WINEPREFIX="${HOME}/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/1331440/pfx" ./mf-install.sh
Once you can get wmf working, the game runs quite well, however getting wmf to work can be very problematic.
If you try to run the game without mf-install, it will show blank cutscenes or crash. I was able to get it to run using the current mf-install from git, and older versions of Proton.
The game may crash at startup. You may need to kill the DirectX installer on the initial startup of the game. If the game fails to play cutscenes, it may crash immediately after showing the title splash with a "fatal error" dialog box.
If you have a lot of difficulty getting wmf to work, I found success by starting the game at first with Proton 4.11, exiting immediately after the title screen started, then running mf-install and switching to Proton 5.0-9 after installing. I also was able to run the game on another system under Proton 4.11 + mf-install without difficulty.